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Academic Title:  Professor Emeritus of Medicine,

Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) School of Medicine,

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4704-8311



Citizenship: U.S.A.

Mailing Address: 1722 Coe’s Post Run, Westlake, Ohio 44145. USA


-    Pre‑medical degree (FSc), July 1960, Government College, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan

-    Medical degree (MBBS), August 1965, King Edward Medical College, Punjab University, Lahore


In Pakistan:

-    Military Service: Captain, Pakistan Army Medical Corps, from 1965 – 1966.

-    Senior House Officer, Medicine: Mayo Hospital, Lahore, November 1966 ‑ June 1967

In the United Kingdom:

-    Senior House Officer, Orthopedics and Trauma: Highlands General Hospital, Winchmore Hill, London; August 1967 ‑ January 1968

-    House Officer, Internal Medicine: Rush Green Hospital, Romford, Essex, February 1968 ‑ August 1968

-    Senior House Officer, Internal Medicine: St. Mary's Hospital, Isle of Wight, August 1968 ‑ June 1969

In the United States of America:

-    1st Year Internal Medicine Residency, 1969-1970; Lakewood Hospital, Lakewood, OH

-    2nd Year Internal Medicine Residency, 1970-1971, VA Hospital/CWRU, Cleveland, OH

-    3rd Year Resident in Internal Medicine; Subspecialty ‑ Rheumatology, 1971-1972, at Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital (CMGH) / CWRU, Cleveland. [CMGH is now renamed MetroHealth Medical Center (MHMC)].

-    4th Year: Robert M Stecher Fellow in Rheumatology, 1972-1973, CMGH / CWRU, Cleveland.

Board Certification:

-       American Board of Internal Medicine, June 1972

-       Royal College of Physicians, London, England (MRCP), January 1973

-       American Board of Internal Medicine, Subspecialty of Rheumatology, October 1974

Licensure: State Medical Board, State of Ohio (FLEX), August 1973


All at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH:

-       Senior Instructor in Medicine July 1, 1973 ‑ June 30, 1974    

-       Assistant Professor of Medicine July 1, 1974 ‑ June 30, 1981

-       Awarded Tenure on July 1, 1983

-       Associate Professor of Medicine July 1, 1981 ‑ June 30, 1989

-       Professor of Medicine since July 1, 1989

-       Professor Emeritus of Medicine since July 1, 2012                                                    


-     2002: Distinguished Rheumatologist Award from the American College of Rheumatology (ACR)

-     2003: Elected Master of the American College of Physicians (MACP)

-     2009: Elected Master of the American College of Rheumatology (MACR)

-     2012: Professor Emeritus of Medicine award by the CWRU

-     2014: Inducted into Medical Hall of Honor of MetroHealth Medical Center

-       Elected Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP) in 1988

-       Elected Fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP) in 1978

-       Lifetime of Dedication and Devotion to People with Spondylitis Award from the Spondylitis Association of America (SAA) in 1998

-       Also, the first recipient of the SAA’s Greg Field Award in 2005 (“Given to individuals with ankylosing spondylitis who have persevered and gone on to be of service to others”)

-        Spondyloarthritis Research and Treatment Network (SPARTAN) Research Career Award in 2013 (“For a lifetime of commitment and success in advancing spondyloarthritis treatment and research”)

-        Lifetime Achievement Award from the Ohio Association of Rheumatology in 2015

-       Teaching Excellence Awards from MetroHealth Medical Center in 2006 and 2011

-       Named to the Best Doctors in America (Nationally) 2005 to 2012

-       Distinguished Alumnus Award of Academic Excellence from the King Edward Medical College Alumni Association of North America (KEMCAANA) in 1998

-       Pakistan Army Medical Corps Service; War Medal in 1966

-       Awards from King Edward Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan:

1962- Neil Memorial Silver Medal for obtaining 1st position in Anatomy

1962- Burton Brown Silver Medal for obtaining 1st position in Physiology

1964- Raghbir Sahai Memorial Prize for obtaining1st position in Surgery/Minor


·      Clinical and genetic studies of ankylosing spondylitis and related forms of spondyloarthritis

·      HLA-B27 immunogenetics

·      Clinical and genetic studies of rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, systemic lupus erythematosis, and other rheumatic diseases

·      Classification, early diagnosis and effective management of rheumatic diseases

[Most of the initial research studies were funded primarily by the Irma Bender Arthritis Research Fund]


-       American College of Rheumatology; Master

-       Royal College of Physicians, London; Fellow

-       Cleveland Rheumatism Society

-       Honorary Life Member of: Pakistan Society for Rheumatology

-       British Society for Rheumatology Member #0015446 (from 1993 to 2006)

-       Founding Member of: ASAS (Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society), SPARTAN (Spondyloarthritis Research and Treatment Network), and GRAPPA (Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis)


-     Awarded the ACR’s Distinguished Rheumatologist Award in 2000.

-     Elected a Master (MACR) by the ACR in 2009.

-     ACR Annual Meeting Planning Committee Member: From 2001 to 2004.

-     ACR Clinical Review Course Organizer and Moderator, from 2002 to 2004.

-     ACR/ARA Annual Scientific Meetings Abstract Selection Committee Member (Subsection Spondyloarthropathies) for 20 years (from 1984 to 1995; and in 1999, 2001, 2006 and, 2008).

-     ARA Annual Scientific Meetings Program Committee, 1984-1986.

-     “Meet the Professor" sessions at the ACR Annual Scientific Meetings for 7 years (in Boston 1991; Atlanta 1992; San Antonio 1993; Minneapolis 1994; Washington, DC 2006; Boston 2007 and San Francisco 2008).

-     "Meet the Professor" session and Speaker, Annual State-of-the-Art (SOTA) ACR Clinical Symposium, Chicago, IL, April 26 – 27, 2014.

-     Started the Spondyloarthropathy Study Group at the ACR Annual Meetings in 1992 and chaired the first two meetings (1992 and 1993).

-     Council Member, ACR Central Region: from 1993 to 1996.   


-       Elected a Master of the American College of Physician (MACP) in 2003; MACP is the highest category of membership in the ACP, the second largest physician group in USA.

-       Editorial Consultant since June 2002 to American College of Physicians’ on-line ACP Smart Medicine (formerly called Physician Information and Education Resource or“PIER”). Author of the chapter “Ankylosing Spondylitis” and its updates since 2002 till 2015 when this on-line education resource was discontinued.

-       Assisted in preparation of Rheumatology MKSAP (Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program), 2nd Edition 1997, and wrote the chapters on ‘Spondyloarthropathies’, and ‘Axial Pain Syndromes: Back and Neck Pain’.


-       Chairperson of the Workgroup on Spondylitic Disorders at Prevention Conference on Arthritis, sponsored by National Arthritis Advisory Board (co‑sponsoring agencies = NIADDK & Dept. of Defense).  Held at Airlie House, Warrenton VA, July 19‑22, 1983.

-       Member of the NIH Planning Committee for the Workshop on Immunogenetics of the Rheumatic Diseases (SLE, RA, Juvenile RA, and the Spondyloarthropathies). Chairperson of the session on Spondyloarthropathies. June 21‑22, 1988;

-       Bethesda, MD. Proceedings published in Am J Med. December 23, 1988; 85 (Supplement 1, Issue 6): S1‑61.

-       Member, National Advisory Board for NIAMS  from 1991 to 1995.

-       Advisor to the NIAMS project "US/USSR Epidemiological Studies of the Spondyloarthropathies in Circumpolar Populations," Seward, Alaska, June 3-5, 1991.

-       Invited participant in the NIAMS Workshop on Studies of the Rheumatic Diseases in Pima Indians, Phoenix, Arizona on October 31, 1991.

-       Consultant, Institute of Rheumatology, Moscow, Russia, November 2‑5, 1992 (under U.S.‑Russia Cooperative Program on Arthritis & Musculoskeletal Diseases).

-       Invited participant in the NIAMS Meeting of the "US/USSR Epidemiological Studies of the Spondyloarthropathies in Circumpolar Populations," Boston, Massachusetts, November 21‑22, 1991.

-       Invited participant in the Workshop on Clinical Investigations/Trials in Rheumatology, held at the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland on February 4, 1992.

-       The National Advisory Board for NIAMS Meeting, Arlington, VA, April 13, 1992.

-       The National Advisory Board for NIAMS Meeting, Arlington, VA, October 19, 1992.

-       Invited participant (by NIAMS), in the Symposium and Workshop on Spondyloarthropathies and HLA‑B27, organized by the Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medicine, held at St. Petersburg, Russia, October 27‑31, 1992.

-       The National Arthritis Advisory Board Meeting, Bethesda. MA. January 25, 1993.  

-       Invited participant, “Ankylosing Spondylitis Research: HLA-B27 and Beyond”, sponsored by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disorders (NIAMS) and the Spondylitis Association of America, held at the NIH campus, Bethesda, Maryland on September 1-2, 1998.

-       Member, NIH Study Section Review of R01 R21 RFA AR-00-008 (Spondyloarthropathies: New Approach to Pathogenesis), July 18, 2001.

-       Faculty Member, Development of a Guidance Document on Ankylosing Spondylitis Meeting (request from the FDA); Bethesda, Maryland, October 29-31, 2002.

-       Invited speaker, Spondyloarthritis 2006: The Unmet Needs Conference, sponsored by NIAMS and the Spondylitis Association of America, held at the NIH campus, Bethesda, Maryland on March 30-31, 2006.

Spondylitis Association of America:

-       The first recipient of the Spondylitis Association of America’s Greg Field Award in 2005. This award is given to “individuals with ankylosing spondylitis who have persevered and gone on to be of service to others”.

-       Received an award from SAA in 1998 for “A lifetime of dedication and devotion to people with spondylitis.”

-       Chairman of the SAA Medical and Scientific Advisory Board from 1991 to 1993

-       Member of the SAA Medical and Scientific Advisory Board since 1986. 

Spondyloarthritis Research Organizations:

-       Founding Member of all of the following three professional spondyloarthritis research organizations and served them in various capacities:

ASAS: Assessment in SpondyloArthritis international Society

SPARTAN: SpondyloArthritis Research and Treatment Network

GRAPPA: Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis  

Arthritis Foundation:

-       Wrote the chapters on Ankylosing Spondylitis in the Primer on Rheumatic Diseases; 10th Edition (1993) and 11th Editions (1997).

-       Helped revise Medical Information Series booklet on Ankylosing Spondylitis (2nd Edition, 1987).

ADVISORY BOARD & Other Advisory Roles:

-       National Advisory Board for National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disorders (NIAMS): Member from 1991 to 1995

-     Spondylitis Association of America (SAA): Medical and Scientific Advisory Board since 1986, Chairman 1991‑93      

-       Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS); formerly called “Assessment of Ankylosing Spondylitis”: Founding Member since its inception in1995; and Member Advisory Board from 2002 to 2010.

-       Spondyloarthritis Research and Treatment Network (SPARTAN): Member of the Steering Committee from 2003 to 2011. Member Education Committee since 2014. Member Board of Directors from 2015 to 2018.

-     International Congress of Spondyloarthropathies Meetings (Ghent, Belgium): Member of the Scientific Committee from 2000-2014.

-     Medscape Editorial Board: Advisor

-       Pharmaceutical Companies: Various roles, such as member of Medical Advisory Boards, speaker, consultant, clinical studies, member Safety Monitoring Committee, etc, at various time for Geigy, Searle, Merck, Johnson and Johnson, Centocor, Schering-Plough, Ciba-Geigy,  Amgen, Wyeth-Ayerst, Pfizer, Abott, Abbvie, Novartis, Celgene, Jansen, Syntex, Aventis Pharmaceuticals, etc.

     Section Editor:

-    Current Opinion in Rheumatology: From 1993 to 2001: Section Spondyloarthropathies. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.                                                                                         

-    Current Rheumatology Reports, Since 2006 — Section Spondyloarthritis. Springer-Nature.

Editorial Consultant:

-       UpToDate: Peer Reviewer in 2003, and since 2016

-    American College of Physicians’ on-line ACP Smart Medicine (formerly called Physician Information and Education Resource or“PIER”). Author of the chapter “Ankylosing Spondylitis” and its updates since from 2002 to 2015 when it was discontinued.

-    InPractice Rheumatology, an on-line knowledge source for internists, and other specialists, including rheumatologists. Co-author of the chapter on “Spondyloarthritis” from 2013 – 2016 when it was discontinued.



-     Joint Bone Spine till 2010

-     Clinical Rheumatology. 2003 – 2010

-     International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology (previously Future Rheumatology) till 2015

-     International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases. 2018-2020

-       Revista Latinoamericana de Psoriasis y Artritis

-       SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine

-     Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology: 1988

-       Autoimmunity Forum, Rheumatology Edition: 1989


Arthritis and Rheumatism           

Arthritis Care and Research

Journal of Rheumatology

Annals of Rheumatic Diseases

Nature Clinical Practice Rheumatology

Nature Reviews Rheumatology

Annals of Internal Medicine

American Journal of Medicine

Archives of Internal Medicine


Arthritis Research & Therapy

Joint Bone Spine


International J Clinical Rheumatology

Clinical Rheumatology

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology

Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology

Journal of Clinical Rheumatology


·      10 books,  

·      52 book chapters,

·      305 scientific articles,

·      158 scientific abstracts


Total: 10

1.  Khan MA, Akkoc N. ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS-AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS. 3rd Edition, Professional Communications Inc. (PCI). West Islip, NY. 2023.  ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-943236-36-7.

2.  Khan MA: ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS and AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: THE FACTS. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. 2023. ISBN: 0198864159, 9780198864158

3.  Khan MA, Akkoc N. ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS-AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS. 2nd Edition, Professional Communications Inc. (PCI). West Islip, NY. 2021.  ISBN: 978-1-943236-30-5.

4.  Mease P, Khan MA (Eds). AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS.  Elsevier 2020, 294 pages. ISBN: 978-0-323:56800-5.

5.      Khan MA: ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS-AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS.  1st Edition. Professional Communications Inc. (PCI). West Islip, NY. 2016. 333 pages. ISBN: 978-1-943236-08-4.

6.      Khan MA: ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. 2009, 147 pages. ISBN: 978-0-19-536807-9.

7.      Khan MA: ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: THE FACTS. 1st Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2002; 193 pages.

ISBN: 0-19-263282-5

a.      Portuguese translation was published in 2004.

b.      Japanese translation was published in 2008.

c.       Persian (Farsi) translation was published in 2008.

d.      Spanish translation was published in 2012.

8.       Khan MA: Editor. ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS AND RELATED SPONDYLOARTHROPATHIES. Spine: State of the Art Reviews. Hanley & Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. September 1990; 688 pages.

9.   Khan MA: Guest Editor. Ankylosing Spondylitis: Burden of Illness; Diagnosis, and Effective Treatment.  J Rheumatol Suppl 2006; Sep; 78:1-31

10.   Khan MA: Editor. Spondyloarthropathies.  Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. February 1992


Total: 52

    1.       Khan MA:  Family studies in rheumatoid arthritis.  In Dawkins RL, Christiansen FT and Zilko PJ (Eds.):  IMMUNOGENETICS IN RHEUMATOLOGY, Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica, 1982, pp. 139‑141.

    2.       Khan MA:  B27 and ankylosing spondylitis in different races.  In Dawkins RL, Christiansen FT and Zilko PJ (Eds.):  IMMUNOGENETICS IN RHEUMATOLOGY, Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica, 1982, pp. 188‑190.

    3.       Khan MA:  Ankylosing spondylitis.  In Calin A (Ed.):  SPONDYLARTHROPATHIES, New York, Grune and Stratton, 1984, pp. 69‑117.

    4.       Khan MA:  Spondyloarthropathies in non‑Caucasians.  In Calin A (Ed.): SPONDYLARTHROPATHIES, New York, Grune and Stratton, 1984, pp. 265‑277.

    5.       Khan MA:  How the B27 test can help in the diagnosis of spondyloarthropathies. In: Calin A (Ed.):  SPONDYLARTHROPATHIES, New York, Grune and Stratton, 1984, pp. 323‑337.

    6.       Khan MA, Kushner I:  Diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis.  In Cohen AS (Ed.): PROGRESS IN CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY, VOL. I, New York, Grune and Stratton, 1984, pp. 145‑178.

    7.       Khan MA, Kammer G:  Laboratory findings and pathology of psoriatic arthritis. In: Gerber LH and Espinoza L (Eds.):  PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS, New York, Grune and Stratton, 1985, pp. 109‑124.

    8.       Khan MA: Spondyloarthropathies in non‑Caucasian populations of the world. In: Ziff M, Cohen SB (Eds.): THE SPONDYLOARTHROPATHIES (ADVANCES IN INFLAMMATION RESEARCH, VOL. 9), New York, Raven Press, 1985, pp. 91‑99.

    9.       Khan MA: HLA and ankylosing spondylitis.  In Calabro JJ, Dick C (Eds.): ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS‑NEW CLINICAL APPLICATIONS IN RHEUMATOLOGY, VOL. I, Lancaster (England), MTP Press Limited, 1987, pp. 23‑44.

10.       Khan MA, Skosey JL:  Ankylosing spondylitis and related spondyloarthropathies. In Samter M, Talmage DW, Frank MM, Austen KF, Claman HN (Eds.): IMMUNOLOGICAL DISEASES, 4th Edition, Boston, Little, Brown & Company, 1988, pp. 1509‑1538.

11.       Khan MA, Reynolds TL:  Genetische aspekte and HLA‑B27 bei der spondylitis ankylosans.  In Fellmann N, Spring H (Eds.):  SPONDYLITIS ANKYLOSANS MORBUS BECHTEREW, Bern, Verlag Hans Huber, 1989, pp. 48‑56.

12.       Yamashita TS, Khan MA, Reynolds TL, Wolfe F, Stastny P:  Familial rheumatoid arthritis:  Genetic epidemiology of 75 white multi‑case families.  In Dupont B (Ed.): IMMUNOBIOLOGY OF HLA, Vol II: IMMUNOGENETICS AND HISTO-COMPATIBILITY, New York, Springer‑Verlag, 1989, pp. 419‑420.

13.       Stastny P, Olsen N, Pincus T, Khan MA, Ball EJ:  DR4 and DR1 define different subsets of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.  In Dupont B (Ed.):  IMMUNOBIOLOGY OF HLA, VOL II: IMMUNOGENETICS AND HISTOCOMPATIBILITY, New York, Springer‑Verlag, 1989, pp. 418‑419.

14.       Khan MA: Undifferentiated Spondyloarthropathy. In Chahade WH, Giorgi RD, Hirose-Pastor EM, Sato EI (eds): Proceedings if the ILAR 1989 Congress. Companhia Melhoramentos de Sao Paulo, Brasil, 1989, pp 188-190.

15.       Khan MA:  Heterogeneity and a wider spectrum of ankylosing spondylitis and related disorders.  In Lipsky PE and Taurog JD (Eds.):  HLA‑B27+ SPONDYLOARTHROPATHIES, New York, Elsevier, 1991, pp. 133‑143.

16.       Khan MA:  Ankylosing spondylitis.  In Schumacher HR Jr. (Ed.):  PRIMER ON THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES, (10th Edition), Atlanta, Arthritis Foundation, 1993, pp. 154-158.

17.       van der Linden SM, Khan MA:  Spondyloarthropathies.  In Wigley RD (Ed.): THE PRIMARY PREVENTION OF RHEUMATIC DISEASES, New York, The Parthenon Publishing Group, 1993, pp. 221-228.

18.       Khan MA:  Ankylosing spondylitis: Clinical features.  In Klippel JH, Dieppe PA (Eds.): RHEUMATOLOGY, London, Mosby-Year Book Europe Ltd., 1994, pp. 3.25.1 - 3.25.10

19.       Khan MA:  Ankylosing spondylitis.  In Rakel RE (Ed.):  CONN'S CURRENT THERAPY, 1994 Edition, Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Co., 1994, pp. 957-959.

20.       Khan MA:  Ankylosing spondylitis: Clinical features.  In Klippel JH, Dieppe PA (Eds.): RHEUMATOLOGY, London, Mosby-Year Book Europe Ltd., 1995, pp. 211-220.

21.       Khan MA, Wilber RG:  Back and neck pain. In Bone R (Ed.):  CURRENT PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, Philadelphia, Current Medicine, 1996, pp. VI:8.1-VI:8.14.

22.       Khan MA. Prevalence of HLA-B27 in world populations. In Lopez-Larrea C (Ed.): HLA-B27 IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPONDYLOARTHROPATHIES. Austin, Texas, R.G. Landes Company, 1997, pp.95-112.

23.       Khan MA: Spondyloarthropathies.  RHEUMATOLOGY MKSAP (Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program), Second Edition, Developed by the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians, 1997, pp. 126-139.

24.       Khan MA: Axial pain syndromes: Back and neck pain. RHEUMATOLOGY MKSAP (Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program), 2nd Edition, Developed by the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians, 1997, pp. 258-266.

25.       Khan MA:  Ankylosing spondylitis.  PRIMER ON THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES, 11th Edition, Atlanta,  Arthritis Foundation, 1997, pp. 189-193.

26.       Khan MA:  Ankylosing spondylitis: Clinical features.  In Klippel JH, Dieppe PA (Eds.): RHEUMATOLOGY, (2nd Edition). London, Mosby-Wolfe, 1998, pp. 6.16.1- 6.16.10.

27.       Khan MA: Seronegative spondyloarthropathies. In: Home HS, Feng PH (Eds). TEXTBOOK OF CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY, National Arthritis Foundation, Singapore. 1998, pp. 125-147.

28.       Dougados M, Revel M, Khan MA: Management of spondyloarthropathy. In: van de Putte   LBA, Williams HJ, van Riel P, Furst DE (Eds): THERAPY OF SYSTEMIC RHEUMATIC DISORDERS. New York, Marcel Dekker, 1998, pp. 375-406.

29.       Khan MA: A worldwide overview - The epidemology of HLA-B27 and associated spondyloarthritides. In: Calin A, Taurog J (Eds.): THE SPONDYLARTHRITIDES. Oxford University Press, 1998, pp. 17-26.

30.       Khan MA:  Ankylosing spondylitis - The clinical aspects. In: Calin A, Taurog J (Eds.): THE SPONDYLARTHRITIDES. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998, pp. 27-40. 

31.       Khan MA: Spondyloarthropathies. In: Hunder G (Ed): ATLAS OF RHEUMATOLOGY. Philadelphia, Current Science, 1998, pp. 5.1 - 5.24.

32.       Khan MA: Back and neck pain. In: Fitzgerald F (Ed.): CURRENT PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, 2nd Edition, Philadelphia, Current Medicine, 1999, pp. 187-203.

33.       Khan MA: Ankylosing spondylitis.  In: Rakel RE (Ed.): CONN'S CURRENT THERAPY, 1999 Edition, Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Co., 1999, pp. 994 - 996.

34.       Khan MA, McGonagle D. State of the art review: Pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis and related spondyloarthropathies. In Emery P (Ed.). FAST FACTS IN RHEUMATOLOGY Oxford, Health Press, 1999, pp.61-66.

35.       Braun J, Sieper J, Khan MA. Recent Advances in Pharmacotherapy of Spondyloarthropathies. In: Tsokos GC, Kammer GM, Moreland LW, Pelletier J, Gay S. (Eds.). Modern Therapeutics in Rheumatic Diseases. Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey, 2002, pp. 595-603.

36.       Khan MA. Five classical clinical papers on ankylosing spondylitis. In Dieppe P, Wollheim FA, Schumacher HR (Eds.). CLASSICAL PAPERS IN RHEUMATOLOGY. Martin Dunitz Ltd., London, 2002, pp. 118-133.

37.       Khan MA: HLA-B27 und seine Subtypen. In: Braun J & Sieper J (Eds.) SPONDYLITIS ANKYLOSANS. Unimed Verlag AG, Bremen [German Edition] 2002, pp. 64-69.

38.       Khan MA: Spondyloarthropathies. In: Hunder G (Ed.). ATLAS OF RHEUMATOLOGY. 3rd Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Current Medicine 2002, pp.141–167.

39.       Khan MA: Clinical features of ankylosing spondylitis: In: Hochberg M, Silman A, Smolen J, Weinblatt M, Weisman M (Editors). RHEUMATOLOGY, (3rd Edition). London, Mosby: A Division of Harcourt Health Sciences Ltd. 2003, pp. 1161-1181.

40.       Khan MA, Sieper J. Reactive arthritis. In: Koopman WJ and Moreland LW. (Eds). ARTHRITIS AND ALLIED CONDITIONS. (15th Edition), Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2004, pp. 1335-1355.

41.       Khan MA: Spondyloarthropathies. In: Hunder G (Ed.). ATLAS OF RHEUMATOLOGY. 4th Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Current Medicine 2005, pp. 151-180.

42.       Akkoc N, Khan MA.  Epidemiology of ankylosing spondylitis and related spondyloarthropathies. In: Weisman MH, Reveille JD, van der Heijde D. (Eds.), ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS AND THE SPONDYLOARTHROPATHIES: A Companion to Rheumatology. London, Mosby:- Elsevier: 2006, pp. 117-131.

43.       Khan MA: Patient’s perspective. In: van Royen BJ and Dijkmans BAC (Eds.). ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis. 2006, pp. 95-97.

44.       Elyan M, Khan MA. Spondyloarthropathies. CLINICAL CARE IN THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 3rd ed. Atlanta: Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals. 2006, pp. 177-185.

45.       Khan, MA. HLA and spondyloarthropathies. Chapter 16. In Mehra NK (Ed). The HLA Complex in Biology and Medicine A Resource Book. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Ltd. New Delhi, India. 2010: pp. 259-275.

46.       Elyan M, Khan MA. Spondyloarthropathies. In Lin VW (Ed). Spinal Cord Medicine: Principles and Practice, Second Edition. Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY. 2010: pp. 715-727.

47.       Khan MA. Clinical features of axial spondylorthritis. In: Oxford Textbook of Axial Spondyloarthritis  Inman R, Sieper J, eds. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. 2016: pp. 91-100.

48.       Mease P, Khan MA. Introduction. In: Mease P and Khan MA (Eds.). Axial Spondyloarthritis. Elsevier, 2019, pp. 1-7.

49.       Khan MA. Clinical features, diagnosis and outcome of axial spondyloarthritis. In: Mease P and Khan MA (Eds.). Axial Spondyloarthritis. Elsevier, 2019, pp. 9-29.

50.       Akkoc N, Khan MA. Epidemiology of axial spondyloarthritis. In: Mease P and Khan MA (Eds.), Axial Spondyloarthritis. Elsevier, 2019, pp. 31-56.

51.       Caballero-Uribe CV, Khan MA. Patient Education and Patient Service Organizations. In: Mease P and Khan MA (Eds.), Axial Spondyloarthritis. Elsevier, 2019, pp. 281-286.

52.       Khan MA. The role of HLA-B27 in spondyloarthritis. ASA Straight Talk on Spondyloarthritis. Spondylitis Association of America. 2023, pp.10-11.


Total: 305

1.  Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE:  Low incidence of HLA‑B27 in American Blacks with spondyloarthropathies. Letter.  Lancet 1976; i: 483.

2.      Ballou SP, Khan MA, Kushner I: Diffuse intervertebral disc calcification in primary amyloidosis. Ann Intern Med 1976; 85: 616‑617.

3.      Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE: Comparison of clinical features of HLA‑B27 positive and negative patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Arthritis Rheum 1977; 20: 909‑912.

4.      Khan MA, Braun WE, Kushner I, Grecek DE, Muir WA, Steinberg AG: HLA‑B27 in ankylosing spondylitis: Differences in frequency and relative risk in American Blacks and Caucasians. J Rheumatol 1977; 4(Suppl. 3): 39‑43.

5.      Khan MA, Kushner I:  Improvement of rheumatoid arthritis following splenectomy for Felty syndrome. JAMA 1977; 237: 1116‑1118.

6.      Ballou SP, Khan MA, Kushner I, Harris JW:  Secondary gout in hemoglobinopathies: Report of two cases and review of the literature.  Am J Hematol 1977; 2: 397‑402.

7.      Khan MA:  HLA‑B27 antigen and rheumatic diseases. Ohio State Med J 1977; 73: 619‑621.

8.    Khan MA, Ricanati ES, Chung‑Park MJ:  Lupus nephritis and renal vein thrombosis. Letter. Ann Intern Med. 1977; 86: 114.

9.    Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE, Schacter BZ, Steinberg AG:  HLA‑B7 and ankylosing spondylitis in American Blacks. Letter.  N Engl J Med 1977; 297: 513.

10.  Khan MA:  Ankylosing spondylitis and HLA‑B27 in Punjabis. Letter. Lancet 1977; ii: 504.

11.  Khan MA, Ganuza C:  Ruptured popliteal cyst and thrombophlebitis. Letter. Arthritis Rheum 1977; 20: 1561‑1562.

12.  Khan MA:  HLA and disease.  JIMA 1977; 8: 15‑17.

13.  Flatuauer FE, Khan MA:  Septic arthritis caused by Enterobacter agglomerans. Arch Intern Med 1978; 138: 788.

14.  Ballou SP, Khan MA, Kushner I:  Giant cell arteritis in a Black patient. Ann Intern Med 1978; 88: 659‑660.

15.  Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE:  A subgroup of ankylosing spondylitis associated with HLA‑B7 in American Blacks.  Arthritis Rheum 1978; 21: 528‑530.

16.  Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE, Zachary AA, Steinberg AG:  HLA‑B27 homozygosity in ankylosing spondylitis: relationship to risk and severity.  Tissue Antigens 1978; 11: 434- 438.

17.  Lam M, Ricanati ES, Khan MA, Kushner I:  Reversal of severe renal failure in systemic sclerosis. Ann Intern Med 1978; 89: 642‑643.

18.  Khan MA: Chondrocalcinosis articularis (pseudogout): A study of 72 patients. JIMA 1978; 9: 9‑10.

19.  Braun WE, Dejelo CL, Clough JF, Beck KA, Schacter BZ, Khan MA:  No association of known DR antigens with ankylosing spondylitis. Letter.  N Engl J Med 1978; 298: 744‑745.

20.  Dejelo CL, Braun WE, Khan MA, Clough JD:  HLA‑DR antigens and ankylosing spondylitis. Transplantation Proceedings 1978; 10: 971‑972..

21.  Khan MA:  Race‑related differences in HLA association with ankylosing spondylitis and Reiter's disease in American Blacks and Whites.  J Natl Med Assoc 1978; 70: 41‑42.

22.  Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE:  B27‑negative HLA‑Bw16 in ankylosing spondylitis. Letter. Lancet  i: 1978; 1370‑1371. 

23.  Khan MA, Askari AD, Braun WE, Aponte CJ: Low association of HLA‑B27 with Reiter's syndrome in Blacks. Ann Intern Med 1979; 90: 202‑203.

24.  Khan MA, Kushner I, Ballou SP, Braun WE: Familial rheumatoid arthritis and HLA‑DRw4. Letter. Lancet 1979; i: 921‑2.

25.  Khan MA: Laboratory tests useful in rheumatological evaluation.  JIMA 1979; 1 & 2: 5‑9.

26.  Khan MA, Kushner I, Freehafer AA: Sacroiliac joint abnormalities in paraplegics.                                                   Ann Rheum Dis 1979;38: 317‑319.

27.  Khan MA, Kushner I:  Ankylosing spondylitis and multiple sclerosis: A possible association. Arthritis Rheum. 1979; 22: 784‑786.

28.  Khan MA: Recent advances in knowledge concerning genetic factors which predispose to rheumatic diseases.  JIMA 1979; 10:(No. 3 & 4): 4‑5.

29.  Khan MA: Clinical application of HLA‑B27 test in rheumatic diseases: A current perspective. Arch Intern Med 1980; 140: 177‑180.

30.  Schoenberg LM, Kushner I, Khan MA: Concanavalin‑A induced transformation of mononuclear cells: Influence of plasma from patients receiving anti‑inflammatory agents.  Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1980; 164: 192‑195.

31.  Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE: Genetic heterogeneity in primary ankylosing spondylitis. J Rheumatol 1980; 7: 383‑386.

32.  Khan MA, Khan MK, Kushner I: Survival among patients with ankylosing spondylitis: A life‑table analysis.  J Rheumatol 1981; 8: 86‑90.

33.  Hammoudeh M, Khan MA, Kushner I:  Unilateral rheumatoid arthritis. Letter. Arthritis Rheum  1981; 24:1218. 

34.  Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE: Association of HLA‑A2 with uveitis in HLA‑B27 positive patients with ankylosing spondylitis.  J Rheumatol 8: 295‑298, 1981.

35.  Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE, Dejelo CL, Ballou SP: Clinical and HLA studies in multiple case families with rheumatoid arthritis. Tissue Antigens 18:136‑138,1981.

36.  Khan MA, Ballou SP: Tendon rupture in systemic lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol.  1981; 8: 308‑310.

37.  Ballou SP, Khan MA, Kushner I: Clinical features of systemic lupus erythematosus. Differences related to race and age of onset.  Arthritis Rheum 1982; 25: 55‑60.

38.  Thompson GH, Khan MA, Bilenker RM: Spontaneous atlantoaxial subluxation as a presenting manifestation of juvenile ankylosing spondylitis.  Spine 1982; 7: 78‑79.

39.  Khan MA, Khan MK. Diagnostic value of HLA-B27 testing ankylosing spondylitis and Reiter's syndrome. Ann Intern Med. 1982 Jan;96(1):70-6. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-96-1-70. PMID: 7053711.

40.  Hammoudeh M, Khan MA: Cranial arteritis as the initial manifestation of malignant histiocytosis.  J Rheumatol.  1982; 9: 443‑447.

41.  Khan MA: Axial arthropathy in Whipple's disease.  J Rheumatol 1982; 9: 928‑929.

42.  Hammoudeh M, Khan MA:  Clinical variants of systemic lupus erythematosus resembling multiple sclerosis. Letter. J Rheumatol 1982; 9:336‑8.

43.  Yagan R, Khan MA, Bellon EM: Spondylitis and posterior longitudinal ligament ossification in the cervical spine.  Arthritis Rheum. 1983;26: 226‑230.

44.  Khan MA, Kammer G, Dejelo CL, Kushner I, Braun WE, Ballou SP: Study of HLA antigens in familial and sporadic rheumatoid arthritis. Tissue Antigens 1983 Jan;21(1):35-38. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-0039.1983.tb00369.x. PMID: 6601314.

45.  Hammoudeh M, Khan MA: Genetics of HLA associated diseases: Ankylosing spondylitis.           J Rheumatol. 1983; 10: 301‑304.

46.  Klein SM, Khan MA: Hepatitis, toxic epidermal necrolysis, and pancreatitis in association with sulindac therapy.  J Rheumatol. 1983; 10: 512‑513.

47.  Khan MA, Kushner I, Weitkamp LR: Genetics of HLA‑associated disease; rheumatoid arthritis. Tissue Antigens 1983; 22: 182‑185.

48.  Jumshyd A, Khan MA:  Ankylosing hyperostosis in American Blacks: A longitudinal study. Clin Rheumatol 1983; 2: 123‑126.

49.  Yue CC, Khan MA:  HLA antigens and diffuse idiopathic hyperostosis. Letter.  N Engl J Med 1983; 309: 924.

50.  Yagan R, Khan MA:  Confusion of roentgenographic differential diagnosis between ankylosing hyperostosis (Forestier's disease) and ankylosing spondylitis. Clin Rheumatol. 1983; 2: 285‑292.

51.  Khan MA: B7‑CREG and ankylosing spondylitis. Rheumatology. 1983; 22(4 Suppl. 2): 129‑133. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/xxii.suppl_2.129

52.  Miron SD, Khan MA, Wiesen E, Kushner I, Bellon EM:  The value of quantitative sacroiliac scintigraphy in detection of sacroiliitis. Clin Rheumatol. 1983; 2: 407‑414.

53.  Mehra NK, Khan MA, Vaidya MC, Malaviya AN, Batta RK:  HLA antigens in acute anterior uveitis and spondyloarthropathies in Asian Indians and their comparison with American Whites and Blacks. J Rheumatol. 1983; 10: 981‑984.

54.  Raum D, Awdeh Z, Glass D, Kammer G, Khan MA, Coblyn JS, Weinblatt M, Holdsworth D, Strong L, Rossen RD, Brewer E, Yunis E, Alper CA: Extended haplotypes of chromosome 6 in adult rheumatoid arthritis.  Arthritis Rheum. 1984;27: 516‑521.

55.  Khan MA, Khan MK: HLA‑B27 testing in the diagnosis of spondylitic diseases. Intern Med Specialist. 1984;5: 55‑65.

56.  Khan MA: Temporal arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica.  Signs of giant cell arteritis. Pak J Ophthalmol 1984;1: 33‑36.

57.  Khan MA:  HLA antigens and acute anterior uveitis.  J Rheumatol 1984; 11: 556‑7. (Letter).

58.  van der Linden SM, Khan MA: The risk of ankylosing spondylitis in HLA‑B27 positive individuals: A reappraisal. (Editorial) J Rheumatol 1984;11: 727‑728.

59.  Khan MA:  HLA haplotypes in multiple case families with rheumatoid arthritis. Letter. Clin Rheumatol 1984; 3: 557. 

60.  Khan MA, van der Linden SM, Kushner I, Valkenburg HA, Cats A:  Spondylitic disease without radiological evidence of sacroiliitis in relatives of HLA‑B27 positive patients.  Arthritis Rheum 1985;28: 40‑43.

61.  Khan MK, Khan MA: Selection of optimal dose.  Computers & Biomedical Research 1985;18: 193‑203.

62.  Khan MA: Diclofenac in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis:  Review of worldwide clinical experience and report of a double‑blind comparison with indomethacin. Semin Arthritis Rheum 1985;15(Suppl. 1): 80‑84.

63.  Ballou SP, Khan MA, Kushner I: Intravenous pulse methylprednisolone followed by alternate‑day corticosteroid therapy in lupus erythematosus: A prospective evaluation. J Rheumatol 1985;12: 944‑948.

64.  de Vries RRP, Nijenhuis LE, Khan MA, Mehra NK:  Paradoxical inheritance of HLA‑linked susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis.  Tissue Antigens 26: 286‑292, 1985.

65.  van der Linden S, Khan MA:  Iliosakralarthritis und spondylitis anklyosans Bechterew: Früherfassung und therapie.  Therapeutische Umschau 42: 707‑710, 1985.

66.  Arnett FC Jr, Khan MA, Wilkens RF:  Are you missing ankylosing spondylitis? (E. Fuller, ed).  Patient Care 20: 51‑78, January 30, 1986.

67.  Payami H, Thomson G, Khan MA, Grennan DM, Sanders P, Dyer P, Dostal C:  Genetics of rheumatoid arthritis.  Tissue Antigens 1986;27: 57‑63.

68.  Khan MA, Khan MK:  HLA studies in familial and sporadic rheumatoid arthritis. Disease Markers 1986 Jun;4(1-2):67‑76. PMID: 3482988.

69.  Khan MA, Khan MK: Analysis of genetic susceptibility to familial rheumatoid arthritis.                                    Disease Markers 1986 Jun;4(1-2):77-84. PMID: 2454775.

70.  Yamashita TS, Khan MA, Kushner I:  Genetic analysis of families with multiple cases of rheumatoid arthritis.  Disease Markers 1986;4: 113‑121.

71.  van der Linden SM, Khan MA:  The risk of ankylosing spondylitis in HLA‑B27 positive individuals.  Reply. Letter.  J Rheumatol 1986; 13: 220‑222.

72.  van der Linden SM, Khan MA:  On the prevalence of ankylosing spondylitis. Reply. Letter. J Rheumatol 1986; 13: 222‑224.

73.  Shah BC, Khan MA:  Review of ankylosing spondylitis.  Comprehensive Therapy 1987;13(Suppl. 3): 52‑59.

74.  Khan MA:  A double blind comparison of dicloflenac and indomethacin in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis. J Rheumatol 1987;14: 118‑123.

75.  Khan MA, Sun JP, Bahler RC:  Echocardiographic evidence of altered cardiac diastolic function in ankylosing spondylitis. Letter.  Lancet 1987; i: 1501.

76.  Cats A, van der Linden SM, Goei The HS, Khan MA:  Proposals for diagnostic criteria of ankylosing spondylitis and allied disorders. Clin Exp Rheumatol 1987;5: 167‑171.

77.  Payami H, Khan MA, Grennan DM, Sanders PA, Dyer PA, Thomson G:  Analysis of genetic interrelationship among HLA‑associated diseases. Am J Hum Genet 1987;41: 331‑349.

78.  Yagan R, Radivoyevitch M, Khan MA:  Double cortical line in the acetabular roof: A sign of disuse osteoporosis.  Radiology 1987;165: 171‑175.

79.  van der Linden SM, Goei The HS, Khan MA, Cats A, Valkenburg HA:  Roma locata, causa non finita:  Parameters that need to be considered in revision of criteria for ankylosing spondylitis and seronegative polyarthritis.  Clin Exp Rheumatol 1987;5(Suppl. 1): S109‑S110.

80.  Khan MA, Wolfe F, Kleinheksel SM, Molta C:  HLA DR4 and B27 antigens in familial and sporadic rheumatoid arthritis.  Scand J Rheumatol 1987;16(6):433‑436. doi: 10.3109/03009748709165415. PMID: 3501160.

81.  Khan MA:  Immunogenetics of ankylosing spondylitis: Clinically oriented aspects. Clin Exp Rheumatol 1987;5(Suppl. 1): S49‑S52.

82.  Yagan R, Khan MA, Marmolya G:  Role of abdominal CT, when available in patients' records, in the evaluation of degenerative changes of the sacroiliac joints.  Spine 1987;12: 1046‑1051.

83.  Khan MK, Khan MA:  Uniformly most powerful tests for non‑random segregation.  Technical Reports No. DMS‑MK 12‑86.  Department of Mathematical Sciences, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio.

84.  Wolfe F, Kleinheksel SM, Khan MA:  Familial versus sporadic rheumatoid arthritis: A comparison of the demographic and clinical characteristics of 956 patients. J Rheumatol 1988;15: 400‑404.

85.  Pazirandeh M, Ziran BH, Khandelwal BK, Reynolds TL, Khan MA:  Relapsing polychondritis and spondyloarthropathies.  J Rheumatol 1988;15: 630‑632.

86.  van der Linden SM, Khan MA, Rentsch H‑U, Gerber N, Cats A, Valkenburg HA, Tugwell PX:  Chest pain without radiographic sacroiliitis in relatives of patients with ankylosing spondylitis. J Rheumatol 1988;15: 836‑839.

87.  Khan MA, Yamashita TS, Reynolds TL, Wolfe F, Khan MK:  HLA‑DR4 genotype frequency and gender effect in familial rheumatoid arthritis.  Tissue Antigens 1988;31: 254‑258.

88.  Khan MA:  Genetics of HLA‑B27.  Br J Rheumatol 1988;27(Suppl. II): 6‑11.

89.  Reynolds TL, Khan MA:  B7 cross‑reactive antigens in spondyloarthropathies. Letter. J Rheumatol 1988; 15: 1454.

90.  Stastny P, Ball EJ, Khan MA, Olsen NJ, Pincus T, Gao X:  HLA‑DR4 and other genetic markers in rheumatoid arthritis.  Br J Rheumatol 1988;27(Suppl. II): 132‑138.

91.  Wolfe F, Kleinheksel SM, Khan MA:  Prevalence of familial occurrence in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.  Br J Rheumatol 1988;27(Suppl. II): 150‑152.

92.  Khan MA, Arnett FC Jr., Moskowitz RW:  HLA‑B27: Is it really of diagnostic help? Articulations 1988;5(No. 1): 3‑6.

93.  Iskander M, Khan MA:  Candida albicans infection of a prosthetic knee replacement.                    J Rheumatol 1988;15: 1594‑5. (Letter).

94.  Khan MA:  Ankylosing spondylitis and heterogeneity of HLA‑B27. Semin Arthritis Rheum 1988; 18: 134‑141.

95.  Reynolds TL, Khan MA:  HLA‑B27 and the putative susceptibility gene for ankylosing spondylitis. Letter.  J Rheumatol 1988;15: 1037‑8.

96.  Yagan R, Khan MA, Radivoyevitch MA:  Double acetabular line.  Reply. Letter.   Radiology 1988; 167: 873‑4. 

97.  Schwartz BD, Arnett FC, Khan MA, Nepom GT, Shulman LE. Introduction (Proceedings of the Workshop on the Immunogenetics of the Rheumatic Diseases). Am J Med December 23,1988; 85(Suppl. 6A):61.   

98.  Gao X, Ball EJ, Dombrausky L, Olsen NJ, Pincus T, Khan MA, Wolfe F, Stastny P:  Class II human leukocyte antigen genes and T cell receptor polymorphisms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Am J Med December 23,1988; 85(Suppl. 6A):14‑16.   

99.  Schwartz BD, Arnett FC, Khan MA, Nepom GT, Shulman LE. Suggestions for future research directions resulting from this workshop. Am J Med December 23,1988; 85(Suppl. 6A):61.   

100.        Bluestone R, Khan MA, Ellis M, Sears MA:  Ankylosing Spondylitis Association. Letter. J Rheumatol 1988; 15: 154‑5. 

101.        Iskander M, Khan MA:  Chorea as the initial presentation of oral contraceptive related systemic lupus erythematosus. Letter.  J Rheumatol 1989; 16: 850‑1.

102.        Mackiewicz A, Khan MA, Reynolds TL, van der Linden S, Kushner I:  Serum IgA and acute phase proteins in ankylosing spondylitis.  Ann Rheum Dis 1989; 48: 99‑103.

103.        Khan MA, Abdul‑Karim A:  Interaction between HLA antigens and bacteria. Rev Mex Reumat 1989; 4(Supplement 1): 14‑16.

104.        Khan MA, Abdul‑Karim A:  Diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis.  Rev Mex Reumat 1989; 4(Supplement 1): 26‑28.

105.        Khan MA:  HLA‑B27 and B12 (B44) in Crohn's disease patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Letter.  J Rheumatol 1989; 16:851‑2.

106.        Molta CT, Khan MA, Aponte JC, Reynolds TL, Macintyre SS:  Familial occurrence of systemic sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and other immunological disorders:  Report of two kindreds with study of HLA antigens and review of the literature. Clin Exp Rheumatol 7: 229‑236, 1989.

107.        Khan MA, Yagan R:  Sacroiliac abnormalities in DISH. Letter.  J Rheumatol 1989; 16: 1399.

108.        Khan MA:  Editorial Comment:  HLA‑B27 testing in ankylosing spondylitis:  An analysis of the pretesting assumptions.  J Rheumatol 16: 634‑636, 1989.

109.        Zanetakis E, Khan MA, Yagan R, Kushner I:  Ochronotic arthropathy, spinal pseudoarthrosis and HLA‑B27.  J Orthopedic Rheumatol 2: 48‑53, 1989.

110.        Robinson WP, van der Linden SM, Khan MA, Rentsch H‑U, Cats A, Russell AS, Thomson G:  HLA‑Bw60 increases susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis in HLA‑B27 positive individuals.  Arthritis Rheum 32: 1135‑1141, 1989.

111.        Whitman GJ, Khan MA:  Unusual occurrence of ankylosing spondylitis and multiple sclerosis in a black patient.  Cleve Clin J Med 56: 819‑822, 1989.

112.        Khan MA:  A brief review of the HLA system.  JPMA 39: 187‑191, 1989.

113.        Arnett FC, Khan MA, Willkens RF:  A new look at ankylosing spondylitis. Patient Care 23: 82‑101, 1989.

114.        Khan MA, Yue CC:  Molecular basis for the HLA association of rheumatic diseases.  Autoimmunity Forum Rheumatol Vol 1 (No. 3): 2‑4, 1989.

115.        Khan MA:  Newer clinical and radiographic manifestations of the seronegative spondyloarthropathies.  Curr Opin Rheumatol 1989; 1: 139‑143.

116.        Khan MA, van der Linden SM:  A wider spectrum of spondyloarthropathies. Semin Arthritis Rheum 20: 107‑113, 1990.

117.        Khan MA, van der Linden SM: Ankylosing spondylitis and associated diseases. Rheum Dis Clin N Am 16: 551‑579, 1990.

118.        Khan MA, van der Linden SM:  Ankylosing spondylitis: Clinical aspects. Spine:  State of the Art Reviews 4: 529‑551, 1990.

119.        Yagan R, Khan MA:  Confusion of roentgenographic differential diagnosis of ankylosing hyperostosis (Forestier's disease) and ankylosing spondylitis. Spine:  State of the Art Reviews 4:561‑575, 1990.

120.        Khan MA:  An overview of the HLA system.  Spine:  State of the Art Reviews 4:595‑605, 1990.

121.        Khan MA, Khan MK:  HLA‑B27 as an aid to diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. Spine:  State of the Art Reviews 4: 617‑625, 1990.

122.        Khan, MA, van der Linden SM:  Undifferentiated spondyloarthropathies. Spine:  State of the Art Reviews 4: 657‑664, 1990.

123.        Turakhia AK, Khan MA:  Splinter hemorrhage as a clinical manifestation of cholesterol embolization.  J Rheumatol 17: 1083‑1086, 1990.

124.        Khan MA:  Medical and surgical treatment of spondyloarthropathies. Curr Opin Rheumatol 2:592‑599, 1990.

125.        van den Borne B, van Laere G, Khan MA: Tendon rupture in systemic lupus erythematosus. Letter. J Rheumatol 1990; 17: 1571..

126.        Khan MA:  Early diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. Revista Medica del Hospital General 53:119‑123, 1990.

127.        Khan MA:  Genetic predisposition to rheumatoid arthritis. LetterN Engl J Med 1990; 323: 996.

128.        Khan MA: An overview of the HLA-system.  J Rheumatol R.O.C.  1990; (Vol 3 &  4, Sep & Dec): 1083‑108.

129.        Yagan R, Khan MA:  The coexistence of ochronosis and ankylosing spondylitis. Letter. J Rheumatol 1991; 18: 1639-40.

130.        Reynolds TL, Khan MA, van der Linden S, Cleveland RP:  Differences in HLA‑B27 positive and negative patients with ankylosing spondylitis: Study of clinical disease activity and levels of serum IgA, C‑reactive protein, and haptoglobin. Ann Rheum Dis 50: 154‑157, 1991.

131.        Rigby AS, Silman AJ, Voelm L, Gregory JC, Ollier WER, Khan MA, Nepom GT, Thomson G:  Investigating the HLA components in rheumatoid arthritis: An additive (dominant) mode of inheritance is rejected, a recessive mode is preferred. Genet Epidemiol 8: 153‑175, 1991.

132.        Khan MA:  HLA‑B27 and arthritis:  Back to the future. Letter. J Rheumatol 1991; 18:1638. 

133.        Khan MA:  An overview of clinical spectrum and heterogeneity of spondyloarthropathies. Rheum Dis Clin N Am 18: 1‑10, 1992.

134.        Zeidler H, Mau W, Khan MA:  Unidifferentiated spondyloarthropathies. Rheum Dis Clin N Am 18: 187‑202, 1992.

135.        Olafsson S, Khan MA:  Musculoskeletal features of acne, hidradenitis suppurativa and dissecting cellulitis of the scalp. Rheum Dis Clin N Am 18: 215‑224, 1992.

136.        Khan MA, Kellner H:  Immunogenetics of spondyloarthropathies. Rheum Dis Clin N Am 18:837‑864, 1992.

137.        Khan MA: Delay in radiographic detection of sacroiliitis in ankylosing spondylitis. (Comments on the article by Lipsky and Taurog). Letter. Arthritis Rheum 1992; 35:727.

138.        Sun JP, Khan MA, Farhat AZ, Bahler RC:  Alterations in cardiac diastolic function in patients with ankylosing spondylitis.  Intl J Cardiol 37: 65‑72, 1992.

139.        Khan MA:  HLA‑B27 and pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis.  Reumatizam 1992;(Suppl):99‑103.

140.        Khan MA:  Spondyloarthropathies:  editorial overview. Curr Opin Rheumatol 5: 405-407, 1993.

141.        Khan MA, Lai J‑H, Chou C‑T, Chang D‑M, Liu H‑C:  Spinal fractures in ankylosing spondylitis. J Musculoskeletal Med 10: 45‑57, 1993.

142.        Khan MA:  Etiopathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis.  Rheumatol Rev 2: 67-71, 1993.

143.        Khan MA:  Risk factors for rheumatic diseases.  Revista Espinola de Rheumatologia 20(Supplement 1): 57-58, 1993.

144.        Khan MA:  Genetics. Revista Espinola de Rheumatologia 20(Supplement 1): 170-171, 1993.

145.        Khan MA:  Influence of genetic factors on the heterogeneity of the spectrum of spondyloarthropathies. Revista Espinola de Rheumatologia 20(Supplement 1): 271, 1993.

146.        Khan MA: Pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis: recent advances. Editorial.  J Rheumatol 20:1273-1277, 1993.

147.        Toivanen A, Khan MA:  Therapeutic dilemmas in ankylosing spondylitis and related spondyloarthropathies.  Rheumatol Rev 1994; 3: 21-27.

148.        Kahn M‑F, Khan MA: SAPHO Syndrome.  Balliere's Clinical Rheumatology 1994; 8:333-362.

149.        Khan MA:  Spondyloarthropathies: editorial overview. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1994;6:351-353,

150.        Mackiewicz A, Khan MA, Gorny A, Kapucinska M, Calabrese LH, Espinoza LR:  Glycoforms of α1-acid glycoprotein in sera of human immunodeficiency virus infected individuals.  J Infect Dis 1994;169:1360-1363.

151.        McDermott M, Kastner DL, Holloman JD, Schmidt-Wolf G, Lundberg AS, Sinha AA, Hsu C, Cashin P, Molloy MG, Mulcahy B, Shanahan F, O’Gara F, McConnel FJ, Adams C, Khan MA, Wolfe F, Rubin LA, Clegg DO, Husebye D, Amos CI, Ward RH, McDevitt HO. The Role of T-Cell Receptor β Chain Genes in the Susceptibility to Rheumatoid Arthritis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1995 July;756 (Issue 1):173–175.

152.        McDermott M, Kastner DL, Holloman JD, Schmidt-Wolf G, Lundberg AS, Sinha AA, Hsu C, Cashin P, Molloy MG, Mulcahy B, Shanahan F, O’Gara F, McConnel FJ, Adams C, Khan MA, Wolfe F, Rubin LA, Clegg DO, Husebye D, Amos CI, Ward RH, McDevitt HO.  The role of T cell receptor ß chain genes in susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 1995 Jan;38(1):91-95. doi: 10.1002/art.1780380114. 

153.        Amor B, Dougados M, Khan MA.  Management of refractory ankylosing spondylitis and related spondylarthropathies. Rheum Dis Clin N Am 1995; 21:117-28.

154.        Khan MA:  HLA-B27 and its subtypes in world populations. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1995; 7:263-9.

155.        Khan MA:  Arthritis and autoimmunity:  Report on the 15th Sigrid Juselius Symposium. Rheumatol Int 1995; 15:39-42.

156.        Feltkamp TE, Khan MA, Lopez de Castro JA.  The pathogenic role of HLA-B27. Immunol Today 1996; 17:5-7.

157.        Khan MA: Epidemiology of HLA-B27 and arthritis. Clin Rheumatol 1996; 15(suppl.1): 10-12.

158.        Mustafa K, Khan MA: Recognising and managing reactive arthritis. J Musculoskeletal Med 1996; 13(#6):28-41.

159.        Khan MA: Editorial review: Spondyloarthropathies / spondyloarthritides. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1996; 8:267-8.

160.        Ahmed Q, Chung-Park M, Mustafa K, Khan MA. Psoriatic spondyloarthropathy with secondary amyloidosis.  J Rheumatol 1996; 23:1107-10.

161.        McDermott E, Khan MA, ARC UK National Repository, Deighton C. Further evidence for genetic anticipation in familial rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 1996; 55: 475-7.

162.        Khan MA: Spondyloarthropathies: Editorial review. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1997; 9:281-3.

163.        van der Heijde D, Bellamy N, Calin A, Dougados M, Khan MA, van der Linden S. Preliminary core sets for endpoints in ankylosing spondylitis. J Rheumatol 1997; 24: 2225-9.

164.        Khan MA: Slow-acting anti-rheumatic drugs in severe ankylosing spondylitis [Editorial]. J Clin Rheumatol 1998; 4(3): 109-11.

165.        Khan MA: Spondyloarthropathies: Editorial overview. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1998; 10: 279-81.

166.        Walsh B, Yocum D, Khan MA: Arthritis and HLA-B27 in North American tribes. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1998; 10: 319-25.

167.        Dougados M, Revel M, Khan MA: Spondylarthropathy treatment: Progress in medical treatment, physical therapy and rehabilitation. Balliere's Clinical Rheumatology 1998; 12: 717-36.

168.        Espinoza LR, Khan MA: Recognizing the spondyloarthropathies. Patient Care 1999; 33(#7):183-184.

169.        Khan MA: First International Congress on Spondyloarthropathies: Focus on Pathogenic, Clinical, and Therapeutic Aspects. Rheumatology 1998; 12(3):8-11. (Letter).

170.        Khan MA: A current perspective on ankylosing spondylitis and related spondyloarthropathies. JIRA 1999; 7:16-22.

171.        Khan MA: Disease assessment in ankylosing spondylitis JIRA 1999; 7:52-4.

172.        Khan MA: Management of ankylosing spondylitis and related spondyloarthropathies. JIRA 1999; 7:87-92.

173.        Khan MA. Ankylosing spondylitis or ankylosing hyperostosis. BMJ vol 319; e-Letter, July 1999.

174.        van der Heijde DMFM, van der Linden SM, Bellamy N, Calin A, Dougados M, Khan MA. Which domains should be included in a core set for endpoints in ankylosing spondylitis? Introduction to the ankylosing spondylitis module of OMERACT IV. J Rheumatol 1999; 26:945-947.

175.        van der Heijde DMFM, Calin A, Dougados M, Khan MA, van der Linden SM, Bellamy N, on behalf of the ASAS working group. Selection of specific instuments for each domain in core set for DC-ART, SM-ARD, physical therapy, and clinical record keeping in ankylosing spondylitis: Progress report of ASAS working group. J Rheumatol 1999; 26:951-954.

176.        Khan MA: Spondyloarthropathies: Editorial overview. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1999; 11:233-234.

177.        McGonagle D, Khan MA, Marzo-Ortega H, O’Connor P, Gibbon W, Emery P: Enthesitis in ankylosing spondylitis and related spondyloarthropathies. Curr Opin Rheumatol1999; 11: 244-250.

178.        Yunus MB, Khan MA, Rawling KK, Green JR, Shah S. A genetic study of multicase families with fibromyalgia syndrome by HLA linkage analysis. J Rheumatol 1999; 26: 408-412..

179.        Khan MA: Patient-doctor. Ann Intern Med 2000, 133: 233-235.

180.        Khan MA: HLA-B27 polymorphism and association with disease [Editorial]. J Rheumatol 2000; 27: 1110-1114.

181.        Braun J, Khan MA, Sieper J. Entheses and enthesopathy: What is the target of the immune response? Ann Rheum Dis 2000, 59: 985-994.

182.        Khan MA: Update: the twenty subtypes of HLA-B27. Curr Opin Rheumatol 2000, 12: 235-238.

183.        Feldtkeller E, Bruckel J, Khan MA. Scientific contributions of the ankylosing spondylitis patient advocacy groups. Curr Opin Rheumatol 2000, 12: 239-247.

184.        Mijiyawa M, Oniankitan O, Khan MA. Spondyloarthropathies in sub-Saharan Africa. Curr Opin Rheumatol 2000, 12:281-286.

185.        Khan MA: My self-portrait. Clin Rheumatol 2001, 20:1-2.

186.        François RJ, Braun J, Khan MA: Entheses and enthesitis: a histopathological review and relevance to spondyloarthropathies. Curr Opin Rheumatol 2001, 13:255-264.

187.        Reveille JD, Ball EJ, Khan MA: HLA-B27 and genetic predisposing factors in spon­dy­loarthropathies. Curr Opin Rheumatol 2001, 13:265-272.

188.        Ball EJ, Khan MA: HLA-B27 polymorphism. Bone Joint Spine 2001, 68:378-382.

189.        Granfors K, Märker-Hermann E, De Keyser P, Khan MA, Veys EM, Yu DT. The cutting edge of spondyloarthropathy research in the millennium. Arthritis Rheum 2002, 46:606-613.

190.        Khan MA. Update on spondyloarthropathies. Ann Intern Med 2002, 136:896-907.

191.        Khan MA, Ball EJ: Genetic aspects of ankylosing spondylitis. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 2002; 16:675-690.

192.        Khan MA:  Total hip arthroplasty in ankylosing spondylitis (Letter). J Rheumatol 2002; 29:1342.

193.        Khan MA. HLA-B27 and spondyloarthropathies [Editorial]. Revista Espanola de Rheumatologia 28:405-407, 2002.

194.        Khan MA. Introductory comments. New treatment strategies in ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis 2002; 61 (Suppl 3): iii3-7.

195.        Braun J, van der Heijde D, Dougados M, Emery P, Khan MA, Sieper J, van der Linden S. Staging of patients with ankylosing spondylitis: A preliminary proposal. Ann Rheum Dis 2002; 61 (Suppl 3): iii19-23.

196.        Dougados M, Dijkmanns B, Khan MA, Maksymowych W, van der Linden S, Brandt J. Conventional treatments for ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis 2002; 61 (Suppl 3): iii40-50.

197.        Khan MA. Ankylosing Spondylitis – The history of medical therapies. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2002; 20(Suppl 28): S3-S5.

198.        Khan MA. Thoughts concerning the early diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis and related diseases. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2002; 20(Suppl 28): S6-S10.

199.        Feldtkeller E, Khan MA, van der Linden S, van der Heijde D, Braun J: Age at disease onset and diagnosis delay in HLA-B27 negative vs. positive patients with an­ky­los­ing spon­dy­litis. Rheumatol Int 2003; 23:61-66.

200.        Pham T, van der Heijde D, Calin A, Khan MA, van der Linden S, Bellamy N, Dougados M. Initiation of biologics in ankylosing spondylitis patients: Results of a Delphi technique within the ASAS group. Ann Rheum Dis 2003; 62(9): 812- 816.

201.        Rudwaleit M, van der Heijde D, Khan MA, Braun J, Sieper J. How to diagnose axial spondyloarthropathy early? Ann Rheum Dis 2004; 63:535-43.

202.        Zhang G, Luo J, Bruckel J, Weisman  M, Schumacher HR, Khan MA, et al. Genetic Studies in Familial Ankylosing Spondylitis Susceptibility Arthritis Rheum 2004; 50:2246-2254.

203.        Jin L , Weisman M, Zhang, G, Ward, M, Akey, JM, Bruckel J, Inman R, Luo J, Khan MA, et al. Lack of Linkage of IL1RN Genotype with Ankylosing Spondylitis Susceptibility. Arthritis Rheum 2004; 50:3047-3048

204.        Jin L , Weisman M, Zhang, G, Ward, M, Luo J, Bruckel J, Inman R, Khan MA, et al. Lack of Association of MMP3 with Ankylosing Spondylitis Susceptibility and Severity. Rheumatol 2005; 44:55-60.

205.        Martin TM, Zhang G, Luo J, Jin L, Doyle TM, Rajska BM, Coffman JE, Smith JR, Becker MD, Mackensen F, Khan MA, Levinson RD, Schumacher HR, Wade NK, Rosenbaum JT, Reveille J. A locus on chromosome 9p predisposes to a specific disease manifestation, acute anterior uveitis, in ankylosing spondylitis, a genetically complex, multisystem, inflammatory disease. Arthritis Rheum 2005; 52:269-274.

206.        Rudwaleit M, Khan MA, Sieper J. The challenge of diagnosis and classification in early ankylosing spondylitis: Do we need new criteria? Arthritis Rheum. 2005; 52:1000-1008.

207.        Khan MA. The perspective of two paintings by a patient-physician. Journal of Medicine and the Person. 2005; 3(No:2): 83-84.

208.        Akkoc N, Khan MA:  Overestimation of the prevalence of ankylosing spondylitis in the Berlin study: Comment on the article by Braun et al. Arthritis Rheum 2005; 52(12):4048-9. (Letter).

209.        Akkoc N, Khan MA. Etiopathogenic role of HLA-B27 alleles in ankylosing spondylitis. APLAR J Rheumatol   2005; 8: 146-153.

210.        Zochling J, van der Heijde D, Burgos-Vargas R, Collantes E, Davis J, Dijkmans B, Dougados M, Géher P, Inman R, Khan MA, et al. ASAS / EULAR recommendations for the management of ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2006; 65:442-452.

211.        Sieper J, Rudwaleit M, Khan MA, Braun J. Concepts and epidemiology of spondyloarthritis.
Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2006 June; 20(3):401-17.

212.        Akkoc N, van der Linden S, Khan MA. Ankylosing spondylitis and symptom-modifying vs disease-modifying therapy. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2006 June; 20(3):539-57.

213.        Elyan M, Khan MA. The role of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and exercise in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis. Curr Rheumatol Report 2006; 8: 255-259.

214.        Khan MA, Akkoc N. Commentary: Ten key recommendations for the management of ankylosing spondylitis.  Nature Clin Pract Rheumatol 2006; 2(9):468-9.

215.        Khan MA. Ankylosing spondylitis: A dual perspective of the current issues and challenges. J Rheumatol Suppl 2006; Sep;78:1-3.

216.        Elyan M, Khan MA. Diagnosing ankylosing spondylitis. J Rheumatol Suppl 2006; Sep;78:12-23.

217.        Khan MA, Mathieu A, Sorrentino R, Akkoc N. The pathogenic role of HLA-B27 and its subtypes in ankylosing spondylitis. Autoimmunity Reviews 2007; 6(3):183-9.

218.        Khan MA, Clegg DO, Deodhar AA, et al. Meeting Report. 2006 Annual Research and Education Meeting of the Spondyloarthritis Research and Therapy Network (SPARTAN). J Rheumatol 2007; 34(5):1118-1124.

219.        Weber U, Pfirrmann CWA, Khan MA. Ankylosing spondylitis: update on imaging and therapy. Intl J Adv Rheumatol. 2007; 5: 2-7.

220.        Gladman DD, Inman RD, Cook RR, -- Khan MA, -- Maksymowych WP. International Spondyloarthritis Inter-observer Reliability Exercise – The INSPIRE Study: I. Assessment of Spinal Measures. J Rheumatol 2007; 4(8):1733-9.

221.        Gladman DD, Inman RD, Cook RR, -- Khan MA, -- van der Heijde, D. International Spondyloarthritis Inter-observer Reliability Exercise – The  INSPIRE Study: II. Assessment of peripheral joints, enthesitis and dactylitis. J Rheumatol 2007; 34(8):1740-5

222.        Elyan M, Khan MA. Clinical trials report: Is low-dose Infliximab every 8 Weeks Effective in treating ankylosing spondylitis? Curr Rheumatol Report 2007; 9(5):351-2.

223.        Elyan M, Khan MA. Clinical trials report: Another look at low-dose Infliximab in treating ankylosing spondylitis. Curr Rheumatol Report 2007; 9(5):352.  

224.        Elyan M, Khan MA. Clinical trials report: Sulfasalazine in undifferentiated spondyloarthropathies. Curr Rheumatol Report 2007; 9(5):349-50.  

225.        Olivieri I, D’Angelo S, Cutro MS, Padula A, Peruz G, Montaruli M, Scarano E, Giasi V, Palazzi P, Khan MA. Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis may give the typical postural abnormalities of advanced ankylosing spondylitis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2007; 46(11):1709-11.

226.        Elyan M, Khan MA. Update on spondyloarthritis. J Musculoskeletal Med 2008; January, p. 31-40.

227.        Khan MA. HLA-B27 and its pathogenic role. J Clin Rheumatol 2008; 14(1):50-2.

228.        Elyan M, Khan MA. Spondyloarthropathies: Update on Diagnosis and Therapy. Consultant  2008; August, p. 681-91.

229.        Onen, F, Akar S, Birlik M, Sari I, Gurler O, Ergor Alp, Manisali M, Khan MA, Akkoc N. Prevalence of ankylosing spondylitis and related spondyloarthritis in an urban area of Izmir, Turkey.  J Rheumatol. 2008; 35(2):305-9.

230.        Elyan M, Khan MA. Does physical therapy have a place in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2008; 20(3):282-6.

231.        Colbert RA, Deodhar AA, Khan MA, et al. 2007 Annual Research and Education Meeting of the Spondyloarthritis Research and Therapy Network (SPARTAN). J Rheumatol. 2008; 35:1398-02.

232.        Weber U, Pfirrmann CWA, Kissling RO, MacKenzie CR, Khan MA. Early spondyloarthritis in HLA-B27 positive monozygotic twin pair: A highly concordant onset, sites of involvement, and disease course. J Rheumatol. 2008; 35(7):1464-7.

233.        James N, Elyan M, Khan MA. Clinical trials report: Is continuous treatment with infliximab superior to treatment upon symptom relapse in ankylosing spondylitis? Curr Rheumatol Report. 2008; 10:347-8.

234.        Khan MA. Recent advances in the genetics of ankylosing spondylitis. Future Rheumatol. 2008; 3(5): 403-5.

235.        Rudwaleit M, Landewé R, van der Heijde D, Listing J, Brandt J, ...., Khan MA, ...., Sieper J. The development of Assessment in SpondyloArthritis International Society (ASAS) classification criteria for axial spondyloarthritis (Part I): Classification of paper patients by expert opinion including uncertainty appraisal. Ann Rheum Dis. 2009; 68(6):770-6. 

236.        Rudwaleit M, van der Heijde D, Landewé R, Listing J, Akkoc N, ….,  Khan MA, …., Sieper J. The development of Assessment in SpondyloArthritis International Society (ASAS) classification criteria for axial spondyloarthritis (Part II): Validation and final selection. Ann Rheum Dis. 2009; 68(6):777-83.

237.        Sieper J , van der Heijde D, Landewé R, Brandt J, Burgos-Vargas R, Collantes-Estevez E, Dijkmans B, Dougados M, Khan MA, …., Rudwaleit M. New criteria for inflammatory back pain in patients with chronic back pain – a real patient exercise of the Assessment in SpondyloArthritis International Society (ASAS). Ann Rheum Dis. 2009 68(6):784-8.

238.        Weber U, Maksymowych WP, Jurik AG,  Pfirrmann CWA, Rufibach K, Kissling RO, Khan MA, Lambert RGW,Hodler J. Validation of whole body against conventional magnetic resonance imaging for scoring acute inflammatory lesions in the sacroiliac joints of patients with spondylarthritis. Arthritis Rheum (Arthritis Care Res) 2009; 61(7): 893-899.

239.        Colbert RA, Deodhar AA, Fox D, Gravallese EM, Khan MA, et al. Entheses and Bones in Spondyloarthritis: 2008 Annual Research and Education Meeting of the Spondyloarthritis Research and Therapy Network (SPARTAN), J Rheumatol.2009; 36(7):1527-1531.

240.        Olivieri I, D’Angelo S, Palazzi P, Padula A, Mader R, Khan MA. Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis: A Condition That Needs to Be Differentiated from Spondyloarthritis. Curr Rheumatol Report. 2009; Oct; 11(5): 321-328.

241.        Magrey M, Khan MA. New insights into SAPHO syndrome. Curr Rheumatol Report. 2009; Oct; 11(5):329-233.

242.        Weber U, Hodler J, Jurik AG,  Pfirrmann CWA, Rufibach K, , Kissling RO, Khan MA, Lambert RGW, Maksymowych WP. Assessment of active spinal inflammatory changes in patients with axial spondyloarthritis: Validation of whole body MRI against conventional MRI. Ann Rheum Dis. 2010; 59: 648-653.

243.        Lipps J, Khan MA. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome: A rheumatologic perspective. Int. J Clin Rheumatol. 2010; 5(2): 255-263.

244.        Magrey M, Khan MA. HLA-B27 homozygosity and clinical features of ankylosing spondylitis. Curr Rheumatol Report. 2010; 12: 309-310

245.        Magrey M, Khan MA. Osteoporosis in ankylosing spondylitis. Curr Rheumatol Report. 2010; 12: 332-336

246.        Khan MA. Remarkable Polymorphism of HLA-B27: An Ongoing Saga. Curr Rheumatol Report. 2010; 12: 337-341.

247.        Alabed IE, Qushmaq KA, Khan MA. Psoriasis induced by infliximab in a Saudi patient with ankylosing spondylitis. Saudi Med J 2010; Sep;31(9):1054-1056.

248.        Ozgocmen S, Akgul O, Khan MA. Mnemonic for assessment of the spondyloarthritis international society criteria. J Rheumatol. 2010 Sep;37(9):1978.

249.        Antonelli M, Bupathi M, Janakiram M, Khan MA. Acquired erythrocytosis on treatment with infliximab for ankylosing spondylitis. J Rheumatol. 2011 Mar 38(3):581-583.

250.        Khan MA. Ankylosing spondylitis and related spondyloarthropathies: the dramatic advances in the past decade.  Rheumatology 2011; 50: 637-639.

251.        Braun J, van den Berg R, Baraliakos X, …., Khan MA, ...., van der Heijde D. 2010 update of the ASAS/EULAR recommendations for the management of ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Ann Rheum Dis. 2011; June: 70(6):896-904.

252.        Khan MA, Garcia-Kutzbach A, Espinoza LR. Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis: A critical reappraisal of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and corticosteroids. Am J Med Sciences. 2012 May; 343(5):350-352.

253.        Mustafa KN, Hammoudeh M, Khan MA. HLA-B27 prevalence in Arab populations and among patients with ankylosing spondylitis. J  Rheumatol. 2012, Aug: 39(8):1675-1677.

254.        Ozgocmen S, Khan MA. Current concept of spondyloarthritis: Special emphasis on early referral and diagnosis. Curr Rheumatol Report. 2012, Oct; 14(5):409-14. DOI 10.1007/s11926-012-0274-2. Erratum: 2012 Dec; 14(6):624. DOI 10.1007/s11926-012-0274-2

255.        Magrey M, Antonelli M, James N, Khan MA. High frequency of fibromyalgia in patients with psoriatic spondylitis: A pilot study. Arthritis 2013;2013:762921. doi: 10.1155/2013/762921. Epud 2013 Feb 14. PMID: 23476767   

256.        Arnold LM, Fan J, Russell IJ, Yunus MB, Khan MA, Kushner I, et al. The fibromyalgia family study: A genome-scan linkage study. Arthritis Rheum. 2013; April: 65(4): 1122-1128.

257.        Lim D, James N, Sobia H, Khan MA. Arthritis associated with acne conglobata, hidradenitis suppurativa and dissecting cellulitis of the scalp: A review with illustrative cases. Curr Rheumatol Report. 2013, Aug; 15(8):346. doi: 10.1007/s11926-013-0346-y.

258.        Khan MA. Polymorphism of HLA-B27: 105 subtypes currently known. Curr Rheumatol Report. 2013. October (15)10:362. doi 10.1007/s11926-013-0362-y

259.        Bao C, Huang F, Khan MA, et al.  Safety and efficacy of golimumab in Chinese patients with active ankylosing spondylitis: 1-year results of a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, 5 placebo-controlled phase III trial. Rheumatology 2014; 53:1654-1683.

260.        Magrey M, Khan MA. Gene-gene interactions of HLA-B27 and ERAP1 in ankylosing spondylitis: Finding the pieces of the puzzle. Int. J Clin Rheumatol. 2014; 9(6):539-542.

261.        Akkoc N, Khan MA: ASAS classification criteria for axial spondyloarthritis: a look at the unfilled part of the glass. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2014; 32(6). Suppl.87: S14-S15. (Letter).

262.        Kiltz U, van der Heijde D, Boonen A, Cieza A, Stucki G, Khan MA, et al. Development of a health index in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (ASAS HI): Final result of a global initiative based on the ICF guided by ASAS. Ann Rheum Dis. 2015; 74(5):830-835.

263.        Akkoc N, Khan MA: Looking into the new ASAS Classification Criteria for axial spondyloarthritis through the other side of the glass. Curr Rheumatol Rep.. 2015;17(6):515. doi: 10.1007/s11926-015-0515-2.

264.        Antonelli M, Khan MA, Magrey M. Differential adverse events between TNF-α inhibitors and IL-17 axis inhibitors for the treatment of spondyloarthritis. Curr Treatment Options in Rheumatol. 2015; Jun;1(2): 239-254. doi: 10.1007/s40674-015-0022-7.

265.        Akkoc N, Khan MA: Radiographic axial spondyloarthritis versus ankylosing spondylitis.Letter. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2015; Aug 27 [Epud ahead of print].

266.        van der Linden S, Akkoc N, Brown MA, Robinson PC, Khan MA. The ASAS criteria for axial spondyloarthritis: strengths, weaknesses and proposals for a way forward. Curr Rheumatol Report. 2015;17(9):535. doi: 10.1007/s11926-015-0535-y

267.        Khan MA, Haroon M, Rosenbaum JT.  Acute Anterior Uveitis and Spondyloarthritis: More Than Meets The Eye. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2015;17(9): 536.   doi: 10.1007/s11926-015-0536-x

268.        Akkoc N, Khan MA: ASAS Classification Criteria for axial spondyloarthritis: time to modify. Clin Rheumatol  2016;35(6):1415-1423.

269.        Akkoc N, Khan MA: Treatment of Patients with Nonradiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis Who Have Negative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Results and Normal C-Reactive Protein Levels at Baseline: Comment on the Article by Ward et al. Arthritis Rheumatol  2016; Jun 68(6):1563.  Arthritis Care Research 2016; Jun;68(6):886.

270.        Khan MA. Accomplishments of Heinz Baumberger PhD: a remarkable patient with ankylosing spondylitis for 72 years. Clin Rheumatol 2016;35(6):1637-1641.

271.        Magrey M, Lewis S, Khan MA. Utility of DXA scanning and risk factors for osteoporosis in ankylosing spondylitis -- A prospective study. Semin Arthritis Rheum 2016;46:88-94.

272.        van der Linden S, Khan MA. Axial spondyloarthritis in relatives of probands with ankylosing spondylitis. Comments on the article by Turina et al. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2016 Dec 21. https://doi: 10.1002/art.40026. (Letter).

273.        Kiltz U, van der Heijde D, Boonen A, Bautista-Molano W, Burgos-Vargas R, Chiowchanwisawakit P, Duruoz T, El-Zorkany B, Essers I, Gaydukova I, Géher P, Gossec L, Grazio S, Gu J, Khan MA et al. Measuring impairments of functioning and health in patients with axial spondyloarthritis by using the ASAS Health Index and the Environmental Item Set: translation and cross-cultural adaptation into 15 languages. RMD Open. 2016 Oct 4;2(2):e000311

274.        van der Linden S, Khan MA. Can we currently and confidently assess the true burden of illness due to non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis? (Editorial). Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2016 Nov-Dec;34(6):963-965. Epub 2016 Nov 28.

275.        Khan MA. An Update on the Genetic Polymorphism of HLA-B*27 with 213 Alleles Encompassing 160 Subtypes (and Still Counting). Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2017 Feb;19(2):9. doi: 10.1007/s11926-017-0640-1.

276.        Magrey M, Khan MA. The paradox of bone formation and bone loss in ankylosing spondylitis: Evolving new concepts of bone formation and future trends in management. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2017 Apr;19(4):17.  doi: 10.1007/s11926-017-0644-x.

277.        Akkoc N, Yarkan H, Kenar G, Khan MA. Ankylosing Spondylitis: HLA-B*27 Positive versus HLA-B*27 Negative Disease. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2017 May;19(5):26. doi: 10.1007/s11926-017-0654-8.

278.        Bilal J, Riaz IB, Kamal MU, Elyan M, Sudano D, Khan MA. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Efficacy and Safety of  Novel Interleukin Inhibitors in the Management of Psoriatic Arthritis. J Clin Rheumatol. 2018 January;24:6-13.

279.        Khan MA, van der Linden S. Axial Spondyloarthritis: A Better Name For An Old Disease. A Step Toward Uniform Reporting, ACR Open Rheumatology. 2019;1(5):336-339. DOI:10.1002/acr2.11044

280.        Ward MM, Deodhar A, Gensler LS, Dubreuil N. Yu D, Khan MA, et al. 2019 Update of the American College of Rheumatology/Spondylitis Association of America/Spondyloarthritis Research and Treatment Network Recommendations for the Treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis and Nonradiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2019 Oct;71(10):1599-1613. doi: 10.1002/art.41042. Epub 2019 Aug 22.

281.        Baumberger H, Giovanni ME, Khan MA. Description of «Panoramic Field» for Assessment of Impaired Ability of Ankylosing Spondylitis Patients to Fully See Their Surroundings Despite Having Normal Field of Vision. Rheuma Schweiz Fachzeitschrift. 6:2019, 30-34.

282.        Ji X, Hu L, Wang Y, Lou Y, Zhu J, Zhang J, Khan MA, Huang F. “Mobile Health” for the management of spondyloarthritis, and its application in China. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 21 (11), 61. 2019, November 19. doi: 10.1007/s11926-019-0860-7

283.        Chetrit M, Kapadia S. Khan MA. State of the art management of aortic valve disease in ankylosing spondylitis. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2020 May 14;22(6):23. DOI: 10.1007/s11926-020-00898-4

284.        Akkoc N, Khan MA. Is axial spondyloarthritis more common than rheumatoid arthritis?  Curr Rheumatol Rep. 22, 54 (2020). doi: 10.1007/s11926-020-00934-3

285.        Magrey M, Charles T, Khan MA. Relationship between disease activity measures, functional status, and fibromyalgia symptom scale in ankylosing spondylitis: a cross-sectional study.  J Clin Rheumatol. July 22, 2020. doi: 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001490

286.        Robinson PC, van der Linden S, Khan MA, Taylor WJ. Axial Spondyloarthritis: Concept, construct, classification and implications for therapy. Nat Rev Rheumatol.  2021 Feb (2);17(2):109-118

287.        Mader R, Pappone N, Baraliakos X,……… Khan MA. Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH) and a Possible Inflammatory Component. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 23, 6 (2021). doi: 10.1007/s11926-020-00972-x

288.        Akkoc N, Khan MA. JAK inhibitors for axial spondyloarthritis: What does the future hold?  Curr Rheumatol Rep.  23, 34 (2021). doi: 10.1007/s11926-021-01001-1

289.        Kiltz U, Boonen A, van der Heijde D, Bautista-Molano W, Burgos Vargas R, Chiowchanwisawakit P, El-Zorkany B, Gaydukova I, Geher P, Gossec L, Gilio M, Grazio S, Gu J, Khan MA, et al. Development of an environmental contextual factor item set relevant to global functioning and health in patients with axial spondyloarthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 May 5;61(5):2054-2062. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keab653. PMID: 34534275.  

290.        Bittar M, Yong WC, Magrey M, Khan MA. Worldwide Differences in Clinical Phenotype of Axial Spondyloarthritis. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2021. 23, 76. doi: 10.1007/s11926-021-01043-5

291.        van der Linden S, Khan MA, Li Z, Baumberger H, Zandwijk HV, Khan K, Villiger P, Brown MA. Factors predicting axial spondlyoarthritis among first-degree relatives of probands with ankylosing spondylitis. A family study spanning 35 years. Ann Rheum Dis. 2022; 81(6):831-7. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2021-222083

292.        Li Z, van der Linden S, Khan MA, Baumberger H, Zandwijk HV, Khan MK, Villiger P, Brown MA. Heterogeneity of Axial Spondyloarthritis – Genetics, Sex and Structural Damage Matter. RMD Open. 2022;8:e002302. doi:10.1136/ rmdopen-2022-002302

293.        van der Linden S, Khan MA, Baumberger H, Li Z, Zandwijk HV, Khan MK, Villiger P, Brown MA. Recurrence of Axial Spondyloarthritis among First-Degree Relatives in a Prospective 35-year-follow-up Family Study. RMD Open. 2022;8: e002208. doi:10.1136/ rmdopen-2022-002208

294.        Couto AR, Parreira B, Power DM, Pinheiro L, Dias JM, Novofastovski I, Eshed I, Sarzi-Puttini P, Pappone N, Atzeni F, Verlaan JJ, Kuperus J, Bieber A, Ambrosino P, Kiefer D, Khan MA, Mader R, Baraliakos X and Armas JB. Evidence for a genetic contribution to the ossification of spinal ligaments in Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament and Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis: A narrative review. Frontier Genetics. 13:987867. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.987867

295.        Li Z, Khan MK, Villiger P, Van der Linden S, Brown MA, Khan MA. Comments on the article by Ben-Shabat et al. Mortality in Ankylosing Spondylitis According to Treatment: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study of 5900 Patients from Israel. Letter.  Arthtitis Care Res. 2022. doi: 10.1002/ACR.24773.

296.        Khan MA, Yong Su-Boon, Wei J. Ankylosing spondylitis: History, epidemiology, and HLA-B27. Editorial. Intl J Rheum Dis. 2023 Mar;26(3):413-414. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.14547. PMID: 36859756.

297.        Khan MA, Yong Su-Boon, van der Linden S. The Challenge of New Classification Criteria for Axial Spondyloarthritis. Editorial. Intl J Rheum Dis. 2023 Jul;26(7):1225-1226. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.14685. PMID: 37394892. doi10.1111/1756-185X.14685

298.        Bittar M, Khan MA, Magrey M. Overdiagnosis, underdiagnosis, and misdiagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2023; 25, 47–55

299.        Magrey MN, Walsh JA, Flierl S, Howard RA, Calheiros RC, Wei D, Khan MA. The International Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (IMAS): a US patient perspective on diagnosis and burden of disease. ACR Open Rheumatology.  2023 April, DOI 10.1002/acr2.11543

300.        Chaudhary H, López-Medina C, Khan MA, Dougados M, Magrey MN.  Clinical Profile and Treatment Utilization based on HLA-B*27 status in Axial Spondyloarthritis: Results from ASAS-PerSpA Study. RMD Open 2023 Jul;9(3):e003179. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2023-003179.

301.        Yousif P, Nahra V, Khan MA, Magrey M. Axial Psoriatic Arthritis — Clinical Characteristics and Treatment Controversies. Is Axial Psoriatic Arthritis Different from Ankylosing Spondylitis? Bone Joint Spine July 24, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.jbspin.2023.105625.  

302.        Li Z, Khan MK, van der Linden S, Villiger PM, Baumberger H, van Zandwijk H, Khan MA, Brown MA. HLA-B*27, Axial Spondyloarthritis, and Survival. Ann Rheum Dis 2023; Sept 7.  doi: 10.1136/ard-2023-224434

303.         Khan MA. HLA-B*27 and ankylosing spondylitis: 50 years of insight and discovery. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2023;25:327-340. doi: 10.1007/s11926-023-01118-5.

304.         Kiefer D, Baraliakos X, Khan MA. Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis and axial spondyloarthritis: similarities and differences. Exploration of Musculoskeletal Diseases (Explor Musculoskeletal Dis). 2023; 1:194–206. doi: 10.37349/emd. 2023.00022.

305.         Khan MA. What a life lived despite adversity! The Kemcolian. 2023, 36 (Spring/Summer): 35-:36. (Three corrections: "175" should be "158", “1997” should be “2000”, and the correct webpage is

306.         Ermann J, Deodhar A, Khan MA, Weisman MH, Reveille J. Twenty years of SPARTAN: from inception to impact (SPARTAN 2023 Annual Meeting Proceedings). Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2024;26:96-101.


Total: 158

1.          Khan MA, Braun WE, Kushner I: Low frequency of HLA‑B27 in American Blacks with ankylosing spondylitis. Clin Res 25: 331A, 1976.

2.          Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE: A comparison of clinical features in HLA‑B27 positive and negative patients with ankylosing spondylitis.  Arthritis Rheum 19: 804‑805, 1976.

3.          Goldberg M, Khan MA, Kushner I, Powell E: Plasma dependent impaired lymphocyte responsiveness in ankylosing spondylitis.  Arthritis Rheum 19: 798, 1976.

4.          Khan MA, Braun WE, Kushner I, Steinberg AG: Low prevalence of HLA‑B27 in American Blacks with ankylosing spondylitis. HLA and Disease, Abstracts. Paris, Editions INSERM, p. 40, 1976.

5.          Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE, Grecek DE, Steinberg AG: HLA‑B27 homozygosity in ankylosing spondylitis: Relationship to risk and severity.  Clin Res 25: 362A, 1977.

6.          Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE, Grecek DE, Steinberg AG: HLA‑B27 homozygosity in ankylosing spondylitis: Relationship to risk and severity. XIV International Congress of Rheumatology Abstracts. San Francisco, p.165, 1977.

7.          Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE:  Association of HLA‑B7 with ankylosing spondylitis in HLA‑B27 negative American Black patients.  Clin Res 25: 582A, 1977.

8.          Khan MA, Kushner I, Freehafer AA:  Sacroiliac joint abnormalities in paraplegics.  Fourth Annual Meeting of the Central Rheumatism Association, Abstracts, Snowmass, Colorado, January 15‑16, 1978.

9.          Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE:  Association of HLA‑B7 with ankylosing spondylitis in HLA‑B27 negative American Black patients.  Fourth Annual Meeting of the Central Rheumatism Association, Abstracts, Snowmass, Colorado, January 15‑16, 1978.

10.      Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE:  A subgroup of ankylosing spondylitis associated with HLA‑B7 in American Blacks.  Arthritis Rheum 21: 569‑570, 1978.

11.      Khan MA, Askari AD, Braun WE, Aponte CJ:  Reiter's syndrome: Diagnostic value of HLA‑B27 in Whites and Blacks and a comparison of clinical features in B27(+) and B27(‑) patients. VII Pan American Congress of Rheumatology, Abstracts, Bogota, Columbia, p. 56, 1978.

12.      Khan MA, Khan MK:  Decreased survival in ankylosing spondylitis: A life‑table analysis. Clin Res 26: 673A, 1978.

13.      Khan MA, Khan MK, Kushner I:  Evidence of decreased survival in ankylosing spondylitis by life‑table analysis. Arthritis Rheum 22: 628, 1979.

14.      Campbell PB, Khan MA, Kushner I:  Demonstration of a monocyte leukotactic defect in ankylosing spondylitis. Arthritis Rheum 22: 597, 1979.

15.      Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE:  Genetic heterogeneity in primary ankylosing spondylitis. Arthritis Rheum 22:628, 1979.

16.      Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE:  Association of HLA‑A2 with uveitis in HLA‑B27 positive patients with ankylosing spondylitis.  Clin Res 28: 141A, 1980.

17.      Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE, Ballou SP:  Clinical and HLA Studies of familial rheumatoid arthritis.  Clin Res 28: 141A, 1980.

18.      Khan MA, Braun WE, Steinberg AG, Kushner I, Dejelo CL, Ballou SP:  HLA studies of familial rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Res 28: 29A, 1980.

19.      Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE:  Association of HLA‑A2 with uveitis in HLA‑B27 positive patients with ankylosing spondylitis.  Arthritis Rheum 23: 703, 1980.

20.      Khan MA, Braun WE, Steinberg AG, Kushner I, Dejelo CL, Ballou SP:  Clinical and HLA studies in familial rheumatoid arthritis.  Arthritis Rheum 23: 702‑703, 1980.

21.      Nunez G, Moore S, Ball GV, Hurd E, Khan MA, Stastny P:  The inheritance of HLA haplotypes in families with adult rheumatoid arthritis.  Arthritis Rheum 23: 726, 1980.

22.      Khan MA, Miron SD, Patel S, Kushner I, Ballou SP, Wiesen E, Bellon E:  The comparative value of standard radiography, quantitative scintigraphy and computerized tomography in sacroiliitis.  Clin Res 28: 778A, 1980.

23.      Khan MA, Braun WE, Steinberg AG, Kushner I, Dejelo CL, Ballou SP:  HLA studies of familial rheumatoid arthritis. Abstract No. 8.5.31, 4th International Congress of Immunology, Paris, 1980.

24.      Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE:  Association of HLA‑A2 with uveitis in HLA‑B27 positive patients with ankylosing spondylitis.  Abstract No. 8.5.32, 4th International Congress of Immunology, Paris, 1980.

25.      Khan MA, Miron SD, Kushner I, Ballou SP, Wiesen EJ, Bellon EM:  The comparative value of standard radiography, quantitative scintigraphy and computerized tomography in sacroiliitis.  Arthritis Rheum 24(Supplement): S119, 1981.

26.      Ballou SP, Khan MA, Kushner I:  Clinical features of lupus: differences related to age of onset and race.  Arthritis Rheum 24(Supplement): S120, 1981.

27.      Miron SD, Khan MA, Wiesen EJ, Kushner I, Bellon EM:  An improved technique for quantitative sacroiliac scintigraphy.  Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists, p. 35, 1981.

28.      Khan MA, Braun WE:  Acute anterior uveitis in Asian‑American patients with ankylosing spondylitis.  Clin Res 30: 472A, 1982.

29.      Khan MA, Kushner I, Weitkamp LR:  Genetics of HLA‑associated disease: Rheumatoid arthritis.  Clin Res 30: 292A, 1982.

30.      Khan MA, Braun WE: Acute anterior uveitis in Reiter's syndrome: The influence of HLA‑B27 and race.  Clin Res 30: 472A, 1982.

31.      Khan MA, Kushner I, Weitkamp LR: Genetics of HLA‑associated disease: Rheumatoid arthritis.  Arthritis Rheum 25: S136, 1982.

32.      Khan MA, Braun WE: Acute anterior uveitis in Reiter's syndrome: The influence of HLA‑B27 and race.  Arthritis Rheum 25: S134, 1982.

33.      Khan MA, Hammoudeh M: Genetics of HLA‑associated diseases: ankylosing spondylitis and related spondyloarthropathies.  Clin Res 30: 806A, 1982.

34.      Ballou SP, Khan MA, Kushner I, Braun WE: HLA‑DR3 is not associated with antibodies to DNA.  Clin Res 30: 803A, 1982.

35.      Khan MA, Braun WE: Acute anterior uveitis in ankylosing spondylitis: The influence of HLA and race.  Aust NZ J Med 12: 563, 1982.

36.      Khan MA, Braun WE: Acute anterior uveitis in Reiter's syndrome: The influence of HLA‑B27 and race.  Aust NZ J Med 12: 563‑564, 1982.

37.      Khan MA, Hammoudeh M, Braun WE, Kushner I: Genetics of HLA‑associated diseases: Ankylosing spondylitis and related spondyloarthropathies. Aust NZ J Med 12: 564, 1982.

38.      Khan MA, Jumshyd A: Ankylosing hyperostosis in American Blacks: A prospective study.  Aust NZ J Med 12: 564, 1982.

39.      Khan MA, Kushner I, Weitkamp LR: Genetics of HLA‑associated disease: Rheumatoid arthritis.  Aust NZ J Med 12: 564‑565, 1982.

40.      Khan MA, Hammoudeh M: Genetics of HLA‑associated diseases: ankylosing spondylitis and related spondyloarthropathies.  Clin Res 31(4): A450, 1983.

41.      Raum D, Awdeh ZL, Glass D, Coblyn JS, Weinblatt M, Holdsworth D, Strong L, Rossen R, Kammer G, Khan MA, Yunis EJ, Alper CA: Extended haplotypes of chromosome six in adult rheumatoid arthritis.  Clin Res 31(4):: A493, 1983.

42.      Khan MA, Hammoudeh MK: Genetics of HLA‑associated diseases: ankylosing spondylitis and related spondyloarthropathies.  Arthritis Rheum 26: S18, 1983.

43.      van der Linden S, Cats A, Valkenburg HA, Khan MA:  Evaluation of the diagnostic criteria for ankylosing spondylitis: a proposal for modification of the New York criteria.  Clin Res. 31(4): A734. 1983.

44.      Yamashita TS, Khan MA, Kushner I: Pedigree analysis of 24 multiple‑case families with rheumatoid arthritis.  Clin Res 31(4): A735, 1983.

45.      Khan MA, Yamashita TS, Kushner I: Genetic linkage studies of familial rheumatoid arthritis.  Clin Res 31(4): A784, 1983.

46.      Ballou SP, Khan MA, Kushner I:  Studies of monocyte Fc receptor‑mediated phagocytic activity in ankylosing spondylitis.  Clin Res 31A: A801, 1983.

47.      Khan MA, Khanam H. Ankylosing spondylitis in Pakistanis: HLA and family studies. 4th International Conference, Association of Pakistani Physicians. Abstract Book; December 20-22, 1983.

48.      van der Linden SJ, Cats A, Valkenburg HA, Khan MA. Evaluation of the diagnostic criteria for ankylosing spondylitis: a proposal for modification of the New York criteria. Br J Rheumatol. 23:148. 1984.

49.      Khan MA, Yamashita TS, Kushner I: Genetic linkage studies of familial rheumatoid arthritis.  Ann Rheum Dis 43: 118, 1984.

50.      Khan MA, van der Linden S, Kushner I: Symptomatic ankylosing spondylitis without radiographic sacroiliitis in B27‑positive relatives.  Arthritis Rheum 27: S31, 1984.

51.      Khan MA, Yamashita TS, Kushner I: Genetic analysis of 24 multiple case families with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 27: S26, 1984.

52.      van der Linden Sj, Valkenburg HA, Cats A, Khan MA, Kushner I:  Symptomatic ankylosing spondylitis without radiographic sacroiliitis in B27‑positive relatives. Br J Rheumatol 23: 148, 1984.

53.      Ballou SP, Khan MA, Kushner I, Zachary A, Braun WE: Association of systemic lupus erythematosus with HLA‑Cw7.  Clin Res 32: 755A, 1984.

54.      Ballou SP, Khan MA, Kushner I: Studies of monocyte phagocytic function in ankylosing spondylitis.  Clin Res 32: 756A, 1984.

55.      Payami H, Khan MA, Thomson G: Family and population studies of inheritance of rheumatoid arthritis.  Clin Res 32: 758A, 1984.

56.      Ballou SP, Khan MA, Kushner I: Prospective evaluation of intravenous pulse methylprednisolone followed by alternate‑day corticosteroid therapy in systemic lupus erythematosus.  Clin Res 32: 819A, 1984.

57.      Khan MA, Yamashita TS, Kushner I:  The mode of inheritance of rheumatoid arthritis. Human Immunology 12: 120‑121, 1985.

58.      Payami H, Khan MA, Thomson G: Family and population studies of inheritance of rheumatoid arthritis.  Human Immunology 12: 121, 1985.

59.      Ballou SP, Khan MA, Kushner I: Studies of monocyte phagocytic function in ankylosing spondylitis.  Arthritis Rheum 28(Supplement): S50, 1985.

60.      van der Linden S, Valkenburg H, Cats A, Khan MA: Are women relatively protected from developing ankylosing spondylitis?  Arthritis Rheum (Supplement) 594, 1985.

61.      Khan MA, Reynolds TL, Ballou SP, Kushner I:  HLA haplotype distribution in familial rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Res 33: 920A, 1985.

62.      Ballou SP, Khan MA, Braun WE, Kushner I:  Association of the HLA‑C allele, Cw7, with systemic lupus erythematosus.  Clin Res 33: 916A, 1985.

63.      Khan MA, Khan MK: Evidence for an HLA‑linked susceptibility gene in rheumatoid arthritis.  Clin Res 34: 618A, 1986; Arthritis Rheum 29: S103, 1986; Br J Rheumatol 25(Supplement): Abstract No. 50, 1986.

64.      Wolfe F, Kleinheksel SM, Khan MA:  Familial rheumatoid arthritis: Epidemiological and clinical features. PANLAR 1986 Meeting Abstract Book, p. 161 (Abstract B60), 1986.

65.      Khan MA:  Immunogenetics of seronegative polyarthritis.  Clinically oriented aspects. EULAR Symposium Rome 1986 Meeting Abstract Book, p. 40, 1986.

66.      van der Linden SJ, Rentsch HU, Gerber N, Khan MA, Cats A, Valkenburg HA:  An increased prevalence of thoracic spine pain in HLA‑B27 positive relatives of patients with ankylosing spondylitis: A confirmative report.  EULAR Symposium Rome 1986 Meeting Abstract Book, p. 63, 1986.

67.      Wolfe F, Kleinheksel SM, Khan MA:  Familial rheumatoid arthritis: Epidemiological and clinical features. Arthritis Rheum 30:(Supplement 1), S18, 1987

68.      Khan MA, Wolfe F, Kleinheksel SM, Khan MK:  Immunogenetic and epidemiologic studies in non‑familial and familial rheumatoid arthritis.  Fed Proc 46(Supplement 3): 426, 1987.

69.      Sun J‑P, Khan MA, Bahler RC: Impairment of cardiac diastolic function in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, as evaluated by Doppler echocardiography. Br J Rheumatol 26(Supplement 1): 71, 1987.

70.      Khan MA, Wolfe F, Kleinheksel SM, Khan MK: Clinical, epidemiological and immunogenetic studies of familial and non‑familial rheumatoid arthritis. Br J Rheumatol 26(Supplement 1): 43, 1987.

71.      van der Linden S, Cats A, Goe The HS, Khan MA:  Proposals for revision of diagnostic criteria for ankylosing spondylitis (AS).  Arthritis Rheum 30(Supplement 4): S75, 1987.

72.      Khan MA, Sun J‑P, Bahler RC:  Impairment of cardiac diastolic function in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), as evaluated by Doppler echocardiography. Arthritis Rheum 30(Supplement 4): S74, 1987.

73.      Ball EJ, Dombrausky L, Hoover M, Pincus T, Olsen N, Khan MA, Capra JD, Stastny P: Rheumatoid arthritis is associated with a polymorphic restriction fragment of the human T cell receptor gene Arthritis Rheum 30 (Supplement 4): S26, 1987.

74.      Yamashita TS, Khan MA, Wolfe E, Stastny P:  Genetic epidemiology of familial rheumatoid arthritis (RA): Study of 70 multi‑case families.  Am J Hum Genet 41(Supplement 3): A264, 1987.

75.      Khan MA, Yamashita TS, Stastny P, Wolfe F, Kleinheksel S, Khan MK: Familial rheumatoid arthritis and homozygosity for HLA‑DR4.  Arthritis Rheum 31(Supplement 1): R29, 1988.

76.      Khan MA, Yamashita TS, Wolfe F, Kleinheksel S, Khan MK:  Effect of gender and HLA‑DR4 genotype in familial rheumatoid arthritis.  Arthritis Rheum 31(Supplement 1): R31, 1988.

77.      Mackiewicz A, van der Linden S, Khan MA, Kushner I:  Serum IgA and acute phase proteins in HLA B27(+) versus B27(‑) ankylosing spondylitis.  Arthritis Rheum 31(Supplement 1): R29, 1988.

78.      Mackiewicz A, van der Linden S, Reynolds TL, Khan MA, Kushner I:  Positive correlation between serum levels of IgA and acute phase proteins (APP) suggests a pathogenic role of gastrointestinal (GI) inflammation in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Arthritis Rheum 31(Supplement 4): S96, 1988.

79.      Robinson WP, van der Linden S, Khan MA, Thomson G:  A B27/Bw60 interaction effect for ankylosing spondylitis among Caucasians.  Arthritis Rheum 31(Supplement 4): S112, 1988.

80.      Shah Z, Khan MA, Green H, Rashad F:  Study of articular cartilage and para‑articular soft tissue structures of shoulder joints by ultrasonography in rheumatoid arthritis patients and controls.  J Ultrasound Med 7(Supplement 10): S245, 1988.

81.      Reynolds TL, Khan MA, van der Linden S, Cleveland RP, Mackiewicz A:  HLA‑B27 and clinical disease activity correlate with serum IgA and acute phase proteins in ankylosing spondylitis patients.  Arthritis Rheum 32(Supplement): S47, April 1989.

82.      Mackiewicz A, Khan MA, Calabrese L, Espinoza LF:  N‑glycan microheterogeneity of α1‑acid glycoprotein in HIV infected patients with and without arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 35(Supplement):S86, September 1992.

83.      Khan MA, Buniel J:  Genetic studies of anti‑Ro (SS‑A) and other autoantibodies in white families with multiple cases of rheumatoid arthritis.  Arthritis Rheum 35(Supplement):S285, September 1992.

84.      Yunus MB, Rawlings KK, Khan MA:  A study of multicase families with fibromyalgia with HLA typing. Arthritis Rheum 35(Supplement):S285, September 1992.

85.      McDermott M, Kastner DL, Holloman J, Schmidt-Wolf G, Lundberg A, Sinha A, Amos C, Khan MA, Wolfe F, Rubin L, Mulcahy B, Cashin P, Molloy MGM, Clegg R, Ward R, McDevitt HO.  Segregation of TCRß chain haplotypes in multiplex rheumatoid arthritis families. Presented at Keystone Symposium on Molecular and Cellular Biology. January, 1993.

86.      Rubin LA, McDermott M, Kastner DL, ..., Khan MA, et al:  The role of T cell receptor ß chain haplotypes in conferring genetic susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 36(Supplement):S197, September 1993.

87.      Khan MA, Mustafa KN, Ayoubi N:  Epidemiologic approach to inflammatory bowel disease and spondyloarthropathy.  Clin Exp Rheumatol 12:99, 1994.

88.      Khan MA:  HLA-B27 heterogeneity.  Clin Exp Rheumatol 12:105, 1994.

89.      Khan MA:  The impact of HLA-B27 subtype on the occurrence of spondyloarthropathies. Scand J Rheumatol Supplement 98, Abstract 235, 1994.

90.      Yunus MB, Rawlings KK, Khan MA, Green JR. Genetic studies of multicase families with fibromyalgia syndrome. Arthritis Rheum 38 (Supplement):S247,1995.

91.      Reveille J, Fraser P, Taurog J, Pollack M, Ahearn J, Khan MA, Appleyard J, Arnett F. HLA-B27 subtypes in African Americans with spondyloarthropathy (SpA). Arthritis Rheum 39 (Supplement):S 204,1996.

92.      Yunus MB, Rawlings KK, Khan MA, Green JR. Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS): Evidence of genetic linkage to HLA. Arthritis Rheum 39 (Supplement):S275,1996.

93.      van der Heijde D, Bellamy N, Calin A, Dougados M, Khan MA, van der Linden S. Preliminary core sets for endpoints in ankylosing spondylitis. Arthritis Rheum 40 (Supplement):S62,1997.

94.      Khan MA. The twenty HLA-B27 subtypes – B*2701 to B*2720. J Rheumatol  27(Supplement 59): p. 29, 2000.

95.      Reveille JD, Inman R, Khan MA. et al. Family studies in ankylosing spondylitis. J Rheumatol  27 (Suppl 59):5, 2000.

96.      Reveille JD, Bruckel J, Inman R, Weisman M, Khan MA. et al. Genetic studies in ankylosing spondylitis. Arthritis  Rheum 43(Supplement):S2666, 2000.

97.      Benjamin M, Bollow M, Braun J, ….. ,Khan MA, …., Poole AR. Anatomy and biochemistry of entheses. Ann Rheum Dis 59: 995-999, 2000. (Khan MA. Enthesitis: A broader definition. Ann Rheum Dis 59:998, 2000).

98.      Reveille JD, Bruckel J, Inman R, Weisman M, Khan MA, et al. Genetic studies in familial ankylosing spondylitis: The North American Spondylitis Consortium experience. Ann Rheum Dis 60(suppl. I): p 6, July 2001.

99.      Khan MA. Update on psoriasis as it relates to spondyloarthropathies. Ann Rheum Dis 60(suppl. I): p 6, July 2001.

100.  Reveille JD, Bruckel J, Inman R, ……Khan MA, ..…et al. Evidence for a second major histocampatibility complex (MHC) in predisposition to familial ankylosing spondylitis (AS) [Abstract #1116]. Arthritis Rheum 2001; 44 (suppl.): 1111.

101.  Khan MA. HLA-B27 and susceptibility to spondyloarthropathy. Scand J Rheumatol. Suppl. 117; vol 31, p. 9, 2002

102.  Khan MA, Akey J, Bruckel J, Weisman MH, Inman RD, Stone M, et al. HLA-DRB1*0101 and DRB1*1501 but not HLA-B60 (B*40:01) contribute to susceptibility to Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) Arthritis Rheum 2002; 46 [No. 9 (suppl.)]: S435.

103.  Reveille JD, Akey J, Bruckel J, Weisman M, Inman RD, Stone M, ----- Khan MA, ----- Jin L. Definite evidence for at least one other major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene in addition to HLA-B27 in predisposition to ankylosing spondylitis. Arthritis Rheum 2002; 46 (No. 9 (suppl.)): S392.

104.  Reveille JD, Akey J, Bruckel J, Weisman MH,…Khan MA, ..Jin L. The Interleukin Receptor-1 Antagonist (IL-1RA) gene is implicated in predisposition to ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Arthritis Rheum 2002; 46: No. 9(suppl.): S620.

105.  Reveille JD, Akey J, Bruckel J, Weisman MH,…Khan MA, ..Jin L. Genetic studies of MHC and non-MHCgenes in familial ankylosing spondylitis (AS). 3rd International Congress on Spondyloarthropathies. October 2-5, 2002. Abstracts. Clinical and Exp Rheumatol. P. 590, 2002

106.  Rudwaleit M, Braun J, Khan MA, van der Heijde D, Sieper J. Early diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis 2003; June (Suppl.), 54.

107.  Khan MA. Ankylosing Spondylitis: Fact or Fiction. Program and Abstracts book: Entering a new Era in the Management of Ankylosing Spondylitis: The Role of Infliximab, at the launch of infliximab therapy for ankylosing spondylitis meeting,  Barcelona, Spain, May 24, 2003.

108.  Khan MA. Ankylosing Spondylitis: The patient’s perspective. Program and Abstracts book. . Entering a new Era in the Management of Ankylosing Spondylitis: The Role of Infliximab, at the launch of infliximab therapy for ankylosing spondylitis meeting,  Barcelona, Spain, May 24, 2003.

109.  Yunus MB, Arnold L, Iyengar SK, Khan MA, et al. Associated Phenotypes in Familial Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS): A Preliminary Report from the Fibromyalgia Family Study Group (FFSG). Arthritis Rheum 2003; 48: #9 (suppl.), S86-S87.

110.  Arnold LM, Iyengar SK, Khan MA, et al. Genetic linkage of Fibromyalgia to the Serotonin Receptor 2A Region on Chromosome 13 and the HLA region on Chromosome 6. Arthritis Rheum 2003; 48: #9 (suppl.), S228-S229

111.  Lee J, Jingchun L, Bruckel J, Inman R, Mahowald M, Weisman M, Schumacher R, Khan MA, et al. A Genome Scan for Ankylosing Spondylitis Susceptibility. Arthritis Rheum 2003; 48: #9 (suppl.), S224.

112.  Reveille JD, Lee J, Bruckel J, Weisman M, Khan MA et al. Fine Mapping of Candidate Susceptibility Regions in Ankylosing Spondylitis on Chromosome 11q. Arthritis Rheum 2003; 48: #9 (suppl.), S224.

113.  Reveille JD, Lee J, Bruckel J, Weisman M, Khan MA et al. Fine Mapping of Candidate Susceptibility Regions in Ankylosing Spondylitis on Chromosome 6q25. Arthritis Rheum 2003; 48: #9 (suppl.), S224-S225.

114.  Rudwaleit M, Braun J, Khan MA, van der Heijde D, Sieper J. How to diagnose spondyloarthritis early? Arthritis Rheum 2003; 48: #9 (suppl.), S174.

115.  Khan MA. HLA-B27. Progressi in Rheumatologia. 2004; 5: 1 (suppl.), 11. (Abstract Book Abstract Book 7th National Annual Scientific Meeting of the Italian College of Rheumatologists).

116.  Khan MA. Use of TNF-blockers in ankylosing spondylitis and related diseases: A dramatic new advance. Program and Abstracts book. 2nd Pan Arab and 7th Jordanian Internal Medicine Conference, Amman, Jordan, April 26, 2004.

117.  Reveille JD, Zhang G, Bruckel J, Weisman MH, Bruckel  J, Schumacher, HR, Khan MA et al. The haplotype HLA-B*0700, DRB1*1501, DQA1*0102, DQB1*0602 augments the risk of the development of ankylosing spondylitis in addition to HLA-B27. Arthritis Rheum 2004 49: #9 (suppl.), S259.

118.  Reveille JD, Zhang G, Bruckel J, Weisman MH, Bruckel  J, Schumacher, HR, Khan MA et al. Interaction of a region on Chromosome 11q23 and the HLA-DPB1 locus influences susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis. Arthritis Rheum 2004 49: #9 (suppl.), S449.

119.  Martin TM, Zhang G, Luo J, ----, Khan MA et al. A region on Chromosome 9p predisposes to acute anterior uveitis, a specific disease manifestation in ankylosing spondylitis. Arthritis Rheum 2004 49: #9 (suppl.), S448-S449

120.  Khan MA. HLA-B27. 3rd Huaxia Congress on Diagnosis and Management of Rheumatic Diseases Abstract Book, Taipei, Taiwan, December 11-12, 2004.

121.  Khan MA.  Genetic basis of susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis. 3rd Huaxia Congress on Diagnosis and Management of Rheumatic Diseases Abstract Book, Taipei, Taiwan, December 11-12, 2004.

122.  Martin TM, Reveille JD, Smith JR, -------, Khan MA, Schumacher HR and Rosenbaum JT. The MHC class II haplotype HLA-DRB1*0801/DQA1*0401/DQB1*0402 is associated with acute anterior uveitis. Experimental Biology Meeting, April 2005

123.  Zochling J, van der Heijde D, ------- Khan MA et al. ASAS/EULAR Recommendations for the management of ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis 2005 (EULAR Abstracts) (suppl.)

124.  Rudwaleit M, Landewé R, Brandt J, Burgos-Vargas R, Collantes-Estevez E, Dijkmans B, Dougados M, Khan MA et al. Assessment of Agreement of Expert Opinion on Clinical Features in Axial Spondyloarthritis (SpA). Arthritis Rheum 2005; 52: #9 (suppl.), S637.

125.  Zochling J, van der Heijde D, ------- Khan MA et al. ASAS/EULAR Recommendations for the management of ankylosing spondylitis. Arthritis Rheum 2005; 52: #9 (suppl.), S638-S639.

126.  Rudwaleit M, Landewé R, Brandt J, Burgos-Vargas R, Collantes-Estevez E, Dijkmans B, Dougados M, Khan MA et al. Parameters Contributing to Inflammatory Back Pain (IBP) According to Experts.  Arthritis Rheum 2005; 52: #9 (suppl.), S213.

127.  Reveille JD, Zhang G, Weisman MH, Bruckel J, Inman RD, Khan MA, et al. Evidence for Involvement of the Neural Cell Adhesion Cell (NCAM)-1 Gene in Susceptibility to Ankylosing Spondylitis. Arthritis Rheum 2005; 52: #9 (suppl.), S389.

128.  Albuquerque SM, Zhang G, Zhou X, ---, Khan MA, et al. Association of IL-1 gene with ankylosing spondylitis susceptibility: Evidence from family based analysis. Late breaking abstract. Presented at the ACR 2005 Annual Scientific Meeting.

129.  Braun J, Cook R, Landewe R, ---, Khan MA, et al. INSPIRE Lateral Flexion: A new method to measure lateral spinal mobility in patients with spondyloarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2006, 65 (Suppl 2), 208.

130.  Gladman DD, Inman RD, Cook R, ---, Khan MA, et al. International Spondyloarthritis Inter-observer Reliability Exercise – the INSPIRE study. Ann Rheum Dis 2006, 65 (Suppl 2), 217.

131.  Olivieri I, D’Angelo S, Cutro MS, --, Khan MA. Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperosotosis. Ann Rheum Dis 2006, 65 (Suppl 2), 640.

132.  Zhou X, Xiong M, Weisman MH, Inman RD, Khan MA, et al. Genetic studies of the Interleukin-1A, CTGF, DRB1, DQA1, DQB1, DPB1, HLA-B and HLA-A in multiple ankylosing spondylitis families. Arthritis Rheum 2007; ACR Annual Meeting Abstract suppl, p S45.

133.  Gladman DD, Inman RD, Cook R, ---, Khan MA, et al. Composite indices for disease activity in ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 2007; ACR Annual Meeting Abstract suppl, p S481.

134.  Weber U, Maksymowych WP, Jurik AG, Pfirrmann CWA, Kissling RO, Khan, MA, Hodler J. Validation of whole body MRI against conventional MRI for scoring inflammatory lesions in the sacroiliac joints of patients with spondyloarthritis. Presented at EULAR 2008 Meeting in Paris, France. Ann Rheum Dis 2008, (Suppl) and also presented at ACR Annual Meeting in San Francisco, October 24 – 29, 2008.

135.  Weber U, Hodler J, Jurik AG, Pfirrmann CWA, Kissling RO, Khan, MA, Maksymowych WP. Validation of whole body MRI against conventional MRI for scoring inflammatory changes in the entire spine in spondyloarthritis. Presented at EULAR 2008 Meeting in Paris, France. Ann Rheum Dis 2008, (Suppl). It was also presented at the ACR Annual Meeting in San Francisco, October 24 – 29, 2008.

136.  Mease P, Pangan AL, Deodhar AA, Khan MA, Rosenbaum JT, van der Heijde D, Sieper J, Combescure C, Dougados M. Characterization of Spondyloarthritis Diagnoses and Patient Satisfaction with Current Treatments in the US: Report from the SPARK Survey. ACR Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, 2009.

137.  Kiltz U, van der Heijde, Boonen A, Cieza A, Stucki G, Khan MA, et al. Development of a Health Index to Assess the Burden of Disease in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: First Steps of a Global Initiative Based on the ICF Guided by ASAS. Abstract # OP0251. Presented at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2012, Berlin, Germany, 6 – 9 June, 2012.

138.  Bao C, Huang F, Khan MA, Fei K, Wu Z, Hsia EC. Golimumab Administered Subcutaneously Every 4 Weeks in Chinese Patients with Active Ankylosing Spondylitis: Week 24 Safety and Efficacy Results From a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study. Presented at the 15th Congress of Asia-Pacific League Against Rheumatism APLAR 2012. Dead-Sea, Amman, Jordan, 10-14 September, 2012.

139.  Bao C, Huang F, Khan MA, Fei K, Wu Z, Hsia EC. Golimumab Administered Subcutaneously Every 4 Weeks in Chinese Patients with Active Ankylosing Spondylitis: Week 24 Safety and Efficacy Results From a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study. Presentation at 2012 ACR Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 9-14, 2012.

Arthritis Rheum 2012; vol 63, No: 10 (suppl), p S589.

140.  Magrey M, Khan MA. Utility of Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Scanning and Risk of Osteoporosis in Ankylosing Spondylitis; A Prospective Study. Presentation at 2012 ACR Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 9-14, 2012.

Arthritis Rheum 2012; vol 63, No: 10 (suppl), p S243-S244.

141.  Kiltz U, van der Heijde D, Boonen A, Cieza A, Stucki G, Khan MA, et al. Development of a Health Index for Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis. Presented at 2012 ACR Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 9-14, 2012. Arthritis Rheum 2012; vol 63, No: 10 (suppl), p S593-594.

142.  Bao C, Huang F, Khan MA, Fei K, Wu Z, Hsia EC. Safety and Efficacy of Golimumab in Chinese Patients with Active Ankylosing Spondylitis 1- year Result of a Multicenter Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. 2013 EULAR (European Congress of Rheumatology) Annual Scientific meeting. June 14, 2013 in Madrid, Spain. And 2013 ACR Annual Scientific meeting. October 30, 2013 in San Diego, USA.

143.  Kiltz U, van der Heijde D, Boonen A, Cieza A, Stucki G, Khan MA, et al. Development of a Health Index in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis (ASAS HI) – Final Results of a Global Initiative Based on the ICF Guided by ASAS. 2013 EULAR (European Congress of Rheumatology) Annual Scientific meeting. June 14, 2013 in Madrid, Spain. And 2013 ACR Annual Scientific meeting. Abstract # 2836. October 30, 2013 in San Diego, USA.

144.  Kiltz U, van der Heijde, Boonen A, Cieza A, Stucki G, Khan MA, et al. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the ASAS Health Index and the Environmental Item set into 15 languages. Presented at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2014, Paris, France. June 11-14, 2014.

145.  Kiltz U, van der Heijde D, Boonen A, Bautista W, --------, Khan MA, et al. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the ASAS Health Index and the Environmental Item set into 15 languages. Presented at the 9th International Congress of Spndyloarthropathies. Gent, Belgium, October 23-25, 2014

146.  Magrey M, Lewis S, Khan MA. Do the validated tools of disease and functional activity in ankylosing spondylitis measure fibromyalgia symptoms? Presented  at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2016, London, England. June 8-11, 2016.

147.  Magrey M, Diamampo S, Khan MA. Do validated tools of disease activity in ankylosing spondylitis measure fibromyalgia pain? Presented at the 2016 ACR Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 11-16,  2016.

148.   van der Linden, Rentsch H, Baumberger H, Khan MA. Specificity of spinal pain features in assessment and classification of spondyloarthriis. Presented at the 2016 ACR Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 11-16,  2016.

149.  Baumberger H, Khan MA.  Gradual progressive change to equal prevalence of ankylosing spondylitis among males and females in Switzerland: Data from the Swiss Ankylosing Spondylitis Society (SVMB). Ann Rheum Dis 2017;76 (Suppl 2) 929.  (Presented  at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2017, Madrid, Spain. June 14-17, 2017.  DOI:10.1136/annrheumdis-2017-eular.3961

150. van der Linden S, Villiger P, Boonen, Brown MA, Baumberger H, Khan MA. The occurrence of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) among relatives of probands with radiographic AS and non-radiographic AS/axial spondyloarthritis (SpA). Presented  at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2017, Madrid, Spain. June 13-16, 2018.  

151. van der Linden S, Villiger P, Li Z, Khan MK, Baumberger H, Zandwijk H, Brown MA, Khan MA.  Genetic influence  in occurrence of Ankylosing Spondylitis (Axial Spondyloarthritis) for Relatives. Evidence from a 35-Year Follow-up Family Study of a Swiss Cohort. Presented at the 2020 ACR Convergence Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. November 6-11,  2020. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2020; 72 (suppl 10).

152.  Khan MA, van der Linden, Villiger P, Li Z, Khan MK, Baumberger H, Zandwijk H, Brown MA. Substantial Lifetime Risk of Developing Ankylosing Spondylitis (Axial Spondyloarthritis) for Relatives. Evidence from a 35-Year Follow-up Family Study of a Swiss Cohort. Presented at the 2020 ACR Convergence Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. November 6-11,  2020. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2020; 72 (suppl 10).

153.  Li Z, Khan MK, Khan MA, van der Linden, Villiger P, Baumberger H, Zandwijk H, Brown MA. Life Expectancy a Swiss Cohort of Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: A 35-Year Follow-up. Presented at the 2020 ACR Convergence Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. November 6-11,  2020. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2020; 72 (suppl 10).

154.  van der Linden, Villiger P, Li Z, Brown MA, Baumberger H, Zandwijk H, Khan MA. Is the Occurrence of Acute Anterior Uveitis Linked Primarily to Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) or to HLA-B27? Results of a 35-Year Follow-Up Family Study of a Swiss Cohort of Patients with AS. Presented at the 2020 ACR Convergence Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. November 6-11,  2020. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2020; 72 (suppl 10).  

155.  Li Z, Khan MA, Khan MK, Villiger P, Baumberger H, van der Linden, Zandwijk H, Brown MA. Heterogeneity Amongst Men and Women with Ankylosing Spondylitis and Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis. Presented at the 2020 ACR Convergence Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. November 6-11,  2020. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2020; 72 (suppl 10).

156.  van der Linden, Li Z, Matt MA, Villiger P, Baumberger H, Zandwijk H, Khan MA. Clinical History as Tool for Diagnosis and Classification of Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis (Axial Spondyloarthritis): Evidence from a 35-Year Follow-up Family Study of a Swiss Cohort. Presented at the 2020 ACR Convergence Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. November 6-11,  2020. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2020; 72 (suppl 10).

157.  Magrey M, Clamentina Lopez-Medina, Khan MA. Clinical profile and treatment utilization in HLA-B27 positive versus HLA-B27 negative patients: Results from ASAS-PerSpA study. Accepted presented at EULAR 2022.

158.  Magrey M, Walsh JA, Flieri S, Howard RA, Calheiros R, Wei D, Khan MA. The International Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (IMAS): a US patient perspective on diagnosis and burden of disease. Abstract books at EULAR and ACR in 2022.


        > 375

(Not listed in this version of my CV.)


Khan MA: Editorial Consultant to American College of Physicians’ on-line ACP Smart Medicine (formerly called Physician Information and Education Resource or“PIER”) since 2002, and

author of the chapter “Ankylosing Spondylitis” and its updates from 2002 to 2015.

 Khan MA: Editorial Consultant  2013-2016  to InPractice Rheumatology, an on-line knowledge source for internists, including rheumatologists. Co-author of the chapter on “Spondyloarthritis”.


Medscape: Expert Column: Ankylosing spondylitis. Posted 09/28/2006.

Medscape: EUAR 2007: The Annual European Congress of Rheumatology. Ankylosing Spondylitis. An Update From EULAR 2007.

Medscape: EUAR 2007: The Annual European Congress of Rheumatology. Psoriatic Arthritis: An Update From EULAR 2007.

Medscape: EUAR 2007: The Annual European Congress of Rheumatology. EULAR 2007: Update on RA. PsA, and AS:.

Medscape: Online CME activity. Release Date: May 27, 2008; Valid for credit through May 27, 2009. Khan MA, Elyan M. The Many Faces of Ankylosing Spondylitis: Evidence-Based Approach to Diagnosis and Management,

Medscape: American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting. Spondyoarthropathies: Treatment Advances from ACR 2008,


Specialty Update: Rheumatology. Television Broadcast by Lifetime Medical Television:. Ankylosing Spondylitis. Hosted by Dr. David Watts and Dr. Rodney Bluestone. Hollywood Studios of KCET. July 18, 1985

Channel 25 Television Program, along with Dr. Irving Kushner on Arthritis, hosted by M R Burger on October 21,1985

Good Morning South Africa National Television, Durban, South Africa, Low back pain and Ankylosing Spondylitis.

September 8, 1995.

CNN TV broadcast with Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Topic: Ankylosing Spondylitis.


Spondylitis Association of America ‘Spondycasts’ :



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